The Save San Onofre Coalition really hopes the Coastal Commission is a buncha voyeurs.
See, the SSOC (made up of Defenders of Wildlife, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Endangered Habitats League, Laguna Greenbelt, Surfrider Foundation, Audubon California, the California State Parks Foundation and probably some ninjas) has compiled hundreds and hundreds of videos on YouTube for the purpose of convincing Coastal Commission members that a poorly-planned toll road built by a shoddily-run agency through a pristine watershed and over Native Americans is a bad idea.
You'd think the Commission wouldn't need much convincing. From the Coalition's press release:
“Siting a toll road through the middle of a state park, when other, less destructive options are available is not only a horrible idea, but it also sets a dangerous precedent for California’s 278 other State Parks,” said Elizabeth Goldstein, president of the California State Parks Foundation. “YouTube provides one more avenue for those opposing the toll road to reach the Coastal Commission and personally voice their concerns about the devastating impact this toll road project would have on a true California treasure, San Onofre State Beach.”
This marks the first time YouTube has been leveraged by a grassroots organization on a matter before the California Coastal Commission. The Commission votes in early February on the proposed 241 Toll Road extension’s consistency with the Coastal Act. A Coastal Commission staff report sited numerous inconsistencies with the Act saying, “it would be difficult to imagine a more environmentally damaging alternative location for the proposed toll road.”
Well over 500 fresh faces can be found on YouTube under the user “SaveSanOnofre”, including everyone from Kelly Slater to the Crandall family. Below are some of my favorites: