Gets kinda lonely here around the World Wide Weekly HQ, so nothing would give us more pleasure than to read your drunken tales of getting tail. That's hot sex after a heavy night of drinking. Bad sex after a heavy night of drinking. No sex when sex was expected after a heavy night of drinking. Some sex when no sex was expected after a heavy night of drinking. And yes, from you Austrians out there, barnyard sex after a heavy night of drinking. We'd like these true tail tales to be told in 250 words or fewer. We'd like them to be colorful, explicit, shocking, hilarious and—most important of all—emailed back to us ASAP because we have a special drinking issue coming out, but our research has rendered us too drunk to write. Or fuck, for that matter. Which is where you come in. Or cum in, for that matter. Click here and start writing. By submitting, you agree to let us edit, trim, unlibelize and otherwise have our way with your prose both in print and online. And while we won't pay you for your, ahem, piece, you will be rich in the satisfaction that comes from having others live vicariously through your sexy drunken exploits. Perv.