Back in April, Yorba Linda Mayor Gene Hernandez chummed it up over the phone with Susan Tully, national field director for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a noted hate group. Tully previously emailed council members to invite them to join Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ lawsuit against California’s “Sanctuary State” laws, which the city did. Hernandez gushed at the council about how the pair realized they worked together before; the mayor served on Orange’s police force back in the ’90s when Tully worked code enforcement. Hernandez, a vendido sportin’ old-timey Californio whiskers, ran FAIR’s ground game in reaching out to other municipalities, all in vain. In July, a federal judge ruled mostly in favor of California against Sessions. Mitigating factor: Hernandez’s affair with FAIR led to a liberal awakening in Yorba Linda, one that saw protesters outnumbering Know-Nothings gathered for a rally with ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio and local congressional hopeful Phil Liberatore—both losers! (Gabriel San Román)

Last summer, Gracey Van Der Mark crashed an anti-racist workshop in Santa Monica with a band of anti-Semites, two of whom headed to Charlottesville days later as Unite the Right speakers. She posted video of the chaos and left comments on the thread calling blacks “colored people” who provided “muscle” for Jews running the workshop. On her YouTube channel, Van Der Mark also curated a “Holocaust hoax?” playlist. Two school districts booted her from bond-oversight posts, but Huntington Beach City Councilman Patrick Brenden stood by his finance-commission appointee. Alt-right associations and bigotry didn’t make Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and the OC GOP shy away from endorsing her bid to become an Ocean View School District trustee. Hell, that’s what probably sealed the deal! Mitigating factor: According to old court records from a messy past marriage, Van Der Mark would pass out whenever someone said, “Hypnotize!” If elected to school board, the public can put that ol’ trick to the test! (GSR)
The Rise Above Movement (RAM) debuted at a MAGA march last year in—where else?—Huntington Beach. A white-supremacist fight club, RAM’s penchant for political violence became readily apparent when members punched a Weekly reporter and an anti-fascist protester. Training at Marblehead Park in San Clemente, RAM traveled to rallies in Berkeley and Charlottesville that year for more street brawls. Authorities seemed uninterested until the FBI arrested three members and an associate this month for violating federal rioting laws in Charlottesville. Now, all RAM’s HB-based, white-power-themed clothing company can do is sell lame “Free the Cville 4” stickers while its pals face 10 years in prison. Mitigating factor: After an exposé by ProPublica, RAM tweeted a pair of journalists the following: “Remember when your out celebrating, toast to the guys who got you your only hit story’s. Remember before us, you were nobody’s.” Can’t accuse RAM of being grammar Nazis! (GSR)
Not to be confused with Charles Johnson, the asshole far-right blogger who stuffed Dana Rohrabacher’s campaign coffers and set up a meeting between the congressman and Wikileaks’ Julian Assange last year, our Chuck Johnson is the local unhinged blogger behind HB Sledgehammer. Desperately wanting to be a Surf City scourge, Johnson injected so much invective into his scribblings that his site made the Huntington Beach Community Forum seem halfway-decent by comparison! Unsurprisingly, his favorite political target proved to be a woman: Ocean View School District trustee Gina Clayton-Tarvin. She sued the blogger for making violent threats, but a judge denied her a permanent restraining order. Chuckie rejoiced and countered with an anti-SLAPP motion that got tossed. Mitigating factor: HB Sledgehammer’s online archives are now locked away, viewable only to those slimy souls granted permission. (GSR)
With the Aliso Niguel Wolverines hosting the Santa Ana Saints for a football game on “Red, White and Blue” night, what could go wrong in these Trump times? EVERYTHING! Signs in the stands reading, “We gonna trump ya” and chants of “USA!” after Wolverine touchdowns prompted Santa Ana High School principal Jeff Bishop to call for a halftime huddle with Aliso Niguel administrators. He threatened to walk his mostly Mexi kids off the field if the racist taunting continued. After the game, Bishop sounded off on social media, igniting a firestorm of a controversy. Wolverine apologists denied anything Bishop described took place while begging FOX News pendejo Tucker Carlson on Twitter to take the story on—only proving Bishop’s point further! Mitigating factor: Aliso Viejo Mayor (and wannabe Donald Trump) Dave Harrington got caught distributing campaign materials at the game. Flag on the play! (GSR)
After securing key endorsements, Phil Bacerra’s Santa Ana City Council campaign seemed headed for a smooth victory. It’s bad enough Bacerra helped gentrify SanTana during his time as a planning commissioner. But then, Griselda Govea, a former girlfriend, went public with domestic-violence accusations. She claims Bacerra threw her around, called her a cunt, spat at her and kicked dirt in her face during their years-long relationship. Bacerra denies all allegations. The OC Young Democrats rescinded its endorsement anyway. And after launching an investigation, central committee delegates of the Democratic Party of Orange County suspended the nod it gave to his campaign. Mitigating factor: The powerful Santa Ana Police Officers Association continues to back Bacerra, showing voters its true-blue colors! (GSR)
Santa Ana police cuffed youth pastor Jonathan Jenkins outside a liquor store this month for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl at Starlight Baptist Church. Before staring down his third strike, Jenkins ran Papa’s Fish & Soul Food in Anaheim. But the restaurant shuttered years ago, and now the reverend is accused of being a badly behaving Baptist. Police say he cornered his victim in a Santa Ana church bathroom, then choked and sexually assaulted her. When she didn’t report that incident and others to police, Jenkins allegedly taunted her by saying if she ever did, he’d tell the cops she invited it. Officers must not have bought that line. Mitigating factor: If convicted of a third strike, Jenkins may spend the rest of his life in prison, where he can help correctional cooks make slop a little more soulful. (GSR)
Former cop Joseph James DeAngelo is due back in court Dec. 6 in relation to a long reign of terror in six California counties—including ours—from the mid-1970s through the mid-’80s. The 72-year-old faces 13 counts of first-degree murder; special circumstances for burglary, rape and multiple murders; as well as 13 counts of kidnapping to commit robbery that would also include rape charges had the statute of limitations not expired. Among the Golden State Killer’s murder victims were Dana Point couple Keith and Patrice Harrington, 24 and 27, respectively; Manuela Witthuhn, 28, of Irvine; and the serial slayer’s last known murder victim, 18-year-old Janelle Cruz of Irvine. Mitigating factor: DeAngelo is so old his life sentence will be short. (Matt Coker)

The Newport Beach orthopedic surgeon, who appeared on the reality show Online Dating Rituals of the American Male, had a dating ritual that involved luring women to drug, rape and videotape them, according to local authorities who fear there may be 1,000 victims. Dr. Grant William Robicheaux, 38, and his 31-year-old girlfriend, Cerissa Laura Riley, face felony rape, assault and oral copulation with anesthesia or controlled substances as well as weapons charges, District Attorney Tony Rackauckas announced at a disturbing press conference in September. Mitigating factor: The nightmare ended quickly, and by that, we mean Bravo’s reality show lasted only one season. (MC)
He’s a rare back-to-back Scariest Person. Why? Because the 60-year-old music teacher’s name was not released when authorities investigated him last year for allegedly giving semen-filled flutes to students in Fullerton, Fountain Valley, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, San Juan Capistrano and elsewhere in Southern California. The feds did identify John Edward Zeretzke in September, when he was arrested on suspicion of coercing a young girl to produce child pornography, attempting to entice another victim to send him sexually explicit images, traveling to the Philippines with the intent to engage in illicit sex with children, and receiving child porn over the internet. Mitigating factor: Easy A. (MC)
In our opinion, there’s only one chokeout worth noting in 2018. No, we’re not talking about Khabib Nurmagomedov’s legendary fourth-round choke of Conor McGregor; we’re talking about the chokehold Fullerton Chief of Police David Hendricks put on a Symons EMT at an Irvine concert in August. Reportedly, Hendricks, his wife and police captain Thomas Oliveiras were drinking heavily at a Lady Antebellum concert when Hendricks’ wife started feeling sick. When EMTs arrived to help, the chief put an EMT in a chokehold. Mitigating factor: Hendricks was appointed to the position to help improve the Fullerton Police Department’s brutal image in the wake of Kelly Thomas’ death, as well as the FPD coverup of City Manager Joe Felz’s DUI. Glad to know he’ll really fight for the department. (Liam Blume)
In early 2018, the Orange County Board of Supervisors evicted the homeless from tents along the Santa Ana Riverbed, only to realize there was no place to relocate them. In March, the board voted unanimously to join Trump’s lawsuit opposing California’s position as a sanctuary state, essentially condoning Gestapo-style ICE raids on immigrant communities. And now, its October lawsuit against the OC Needle Exchange Program is liable to cause an outbreak of disease and infection in the county. This has been a hallmark year in the Supervisors’ long-standing war against empathy, proving that if you’re not white or rich in OC, then they don’t want ya! Mitigating factor: On Sept. 27, the Board approved a sleek, new, $400 million Eagles Nest in Santa Ana. The building will serve as the face of a New Reich after its efforts to rid OC of homeless people, addicts and immigrants through infectious disease and fascist ICE agents is complete. (LB)
White Trash Jesus Forrest Gordon Clark wrought an Old Testament reckoning upon OC by igniting his neighbor Frank R’s home in Holy Jim Canyon in August. The flames engulfed 23,000 acres of the Cleveland National Forest in Orange and Riverside counties, destroyed 18 structures, and injured three firefighters. On Facebook, Clark can be seen kissing a rattlesnake, interpreting the Word of God to proclaim our right to smoketh the weed, and requesting we “hang the pedophile Pope!” Clark violated the First Commandment of Arson: Thou shalt not act crazy as fuck in court after thou burneth thy neighbors’ cabin. Mitigating factor: Clark is facing life in prison for arson, and with any luck, he won’t set any more fires, forever and ever amen. (LB)
What can survive with enormous cajones and no heart? Following the Holy Fire, Ashley Bemis scammed via Facebook $11,000 in donations, which she said were to help her fictitious firefighter husband and other fire crews. With international media covering the bizarre antics of White Trash Jesus, maybe it wasn’t the best time to run a large-scale con. Mitigating factor: Bemis’ other lies include telling friends she was pregnant, walking around with a fake baby-bump for eight months, then telling friends the baby died in labor and asking for money to cover medical costs. (LB)
Last March, Golden West College counselor Tarin Olson made national headlines when a video of her, apparently unprompted, telling an Asian couple to “go back [to their] home country” went viral. In the video, posted to Facebook by Long Beach resident Tony Kao, Olson pushes the bogus “white genocide” myth propagated by alt-right creeps such as Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich and Ann Coulter when she claims there are “too many” Asian-Americans, making her culture “go extinct,” and hinting who she supported in the 2016 election by telling Kao, “I never voted for you.” Later, in a statement to the Daily Pilot in an attempt to win sympathy, Olson said she was “not in a good place mentally” because of the response to her outburst, which she believes “wasn’t even racist.” Although she is still a Golden West employee, she hasn’t been on campus since the incident, and according to a source, her house went up for sale over the summer. Mitigating factor: She told CBS that her students know she isn’t racist. Sure, whatever. (Spencer Otte)
We would describe the Chinese-language site in better detail, but none of us knows how to read Mandarin. But we do know WeIrvine was the main force behind one of the most bizarre protests in Orange County history: thousands of mostly Asian immigrants taking tourist buses to an April Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting to protest a plan to erect a temporary homeless shelter at the Orange County Great Park. The immigrants’ argument was straight out of the NIMBY playbook—Irvine is too nice of a city, won’t someone think of the children, Santa Ana deserves them—proving Don Bren is a warlock of unparalleled power. Because what other city can take immigrants who still prefer a foreign language and turn them into frothing nationalists? Mitigating factor: All that Asian migration to Irvine has led the city to have one of the best food scenes in OC. (Sebastian Iturbide)
Los Alamitos has one of the lowest crime rates of any OC city, along with a tiny amount of undocumented immigrants who barely contribute to said crime rate. That didn’t stop two-term City Councilman Warren Kusumoto (who’s currently running for re-election) from pushing to have Los Al fight California over the Sanctuary State law, a fight the small city is so woefully unprepared for it started a GoFundMe page to, well, fund their hate. Mitigating factor: We should always have sympathy for cowards; he never peeped a word while Los Zetas, actual immigrant criminals, operated out of the Los Alamitos Race Track earlier this decade. (SI)
This city attorney for Huntington Beach doesn’t want nudists to rent public pools, illegal immigrants or affordable housing in town, nor does he want residents to try to ban semiautomatic and automatic guns, so he has wielded his legal might to make his will be done. Though Michael Gates doesn’t seem to mind the Surf City’s corrupt police department or the many white supremacists in town, he’s running unopposed for re-election, which shows Fontucky-by-the-Sea residents approve of both his actions and inactions. Mitigating factor: He’s not related to Brad or Daryl, two other sleazy lawmen. (SI)
Newport Beach resident Samuel Woodward, who had homophobic and Nazi images on his cellphone, thought it was fun to pose as “gay curious” on the internet, lure unsuspecting people he considered “faggots,” and then punk them. All that, um, hilarity ended in January, when 21-year-old Woodward allegedly murdered Blaze Bernstein, a gay Ivy League college student home on holiday break. Bernstein’s body was found in a shallow grave at a Lake Forest public park. He’d been stabbed in the face and neck 20 times. When arrested, Woodward, who’d picked up Bernstein at his home before the killing, employed the age-old lame excuse of claiming he was the victim of a sexually aggressive, smaller Bernstein. Please. Mitigating factor: If convicted, Woodward will get his wish to spend the rest of his life only with men. Oh, wait—he probably didn’t think this through. Or did he? (R. Scott Moxley)
In Orange County, Asian women “poaching for dollars” dupe “sucker” Caucasians into marriages. Asians can’t pronounce UCLA, calling it “UCRA.” Asians “took over our mall at South Coast Plaza” and walk around with “a zoned-in personality where they act as if no one else exists.” Asians were raised by “Tiger moms who told them ‘to become docta.’” Asians attending UC Irvine with her drove “rice rockets.” That’s just part of attorney Christina Ignatius’ rant in a single Facebook post. When confronted, Ignatius—a Chapman University law grad—dug deeper, stating, “I do not hate Asians. I really love them, and I find differences to be funny and interesting.” Mitigating factor: To win a Fox show, Ignatius must now opine about African-Americans, Mexicans, Jews, gays, Native Americans, poor people and, of course, the Irish. (RSM)
John Saro Balian officially served as a police detective in Los Angeles, but the Seal Beach resident actually worked on the sly for Armenian mobsters and Mexican drug cartels, according to court records. Underworld figures told FBI agents that Balian tipped them to upcoming drug busts or fugitive hunts. He traveled with the girlfriend of a high-ranking cartel boss and chatted with her on a burner phone 1,534 times in a two-year-period. Investigators found evidence he also tried to use sensitive law-enforcement databases to hunt down people for the gangsters and ran a stolen-vehicle-smuggling operation. Mitigating factor: Balian can now work as a Hollywood consultant for the next blockbuster narco-world flick. (RSM)

Henry Nicholas III is the billionaire co-founder of Irvine’s Broadcom. He was arrested Aug. 7 after police found drugs in his Las Vegas hotel room. He and his girlfriend allegedly trafficked meth, coke, heroin and MDMA. Mitigating factor: Unlike at his former Laguna Hills mansion, there was no underground sex dungeon in which to hide from cops. (MC)
Our Creepy Boss Hall of Fame is ready for a new edition thanks to Original Mike’s general manager Juan Jose Orozco. Five female employees of the downtown Santa Ana restaurant and bar filed a lawsuit against owner Mike Harrah in 2014, accusing Orozco of groping, sexual battery, sexual harassment, and refusing to give them shifts if they didn’t line up to hug and kiss him at the end of each shift (blech!). The hefty jefe also allegedly told an employee who returned from maternity leave that he thought she looked better pregnant because “her ass was bigger.” When the woman complained about his comments, Orozco allegedly began to stroke her face with his hands without any invitation. The lawsuit against Original Mike’s and Orozco is still ongoing. Mitigating factor: Just as Dracula is allergic to garlic, women who work with this portly pervert should carry around a handful of something Orozco would never go near—some broccoli, perhaps? (Nate Jackson)
Long Beach’s notoriously crooked Sixth District councilman (now vice mayor) landed on our radar this year because of his dirty dealings with the legendary VIP Records, whose sign was removed from its rightful spot only to be replaced by a 7-Eleven. Dee Andrews not only supported this travesty, but he also helped facilitate it in his quest to Dee-stroy one of LBC’s most revered historic landmarks in the heart of his district. Last month, it was revealed through public records that Andrews even threatened fellow City Council member Lena Gonzales for showing support for the famed record store, saying, “Watch your back, or you’re going to get hit and killed by a bus.” Just the kind of behavior we’ve come to expect from Andrews. Mitigating factor: The hood knows better than to trust an old man whose only relation to G-Funk is his weird, grandpa smell. (NJ)
In September, Al Jazeera reported that for years, Long Beach police have been using an app called Tiger Text, which allows text messages to completely disappear after a conversation. The app was installed on hundreds of officers’ cellphones and essentially permitted police to discuss such sensitive matters as officer-involved shootings without any permanent record, letting cops get their stories straight before being interviewed by prosecutors. Mitigating factor: Whoops, Long Beach is the only city in LA County where officers are never even interviewed after shootings, but rather get to provide written statements, presumably while being coached by their superiors. (Nick Schou)
Here’s another typical entry from that benighted stretch of tarmac known as Los Alamitos: Roni Burns-Ellis, principal of McGaugh Elementary School, apparently just could not handle the fact that Nike hired Colin Kaepernick to represent its brand. So she shredded her Nike T-shirt and went on social media to brag about it. “My newest rag!” she posted on Facebook, along with a photo of the desecrated shirt. “When Nike signs an anti-American thug to represent their brand, I will not support, wear, purchase or endorse their product.” Mitigating factor: Burns-Ellis took down her post after 200 people started a Change.org petition against her. (NS)
One of the most depraved serial killers in recent memory, Andrew Urdiales began his killing spree while serving as a Marine at Camp Pendleton in the 1980s. His first victim was Robbin Brandley, a Saddleback College student who had the misfortune of walking to her car in a dark parking lot when Urdiales, who had wandered on campus, brutally stabbed her to death. The crime remained unsolved for years until Urdiales was linked to several murders in the Midwest and confessed to killing Brandley. Mitigating factor: Urdiales now faces a death sentence for his crimes. (NS)

Yes, that Michael Avenatti. The guy seems to be too busy on TV mocking President Tiny and filing lawsuits on behalf of porn stars and other victims of Trump’s legendary public-relations network, which paid women for their stories so they could keep them out of the public light. The media loves Avenatti just like Trump because he gives good soundbites and headlines, but the public is starting to sour on his penchant for self-promotion. Mitigating factor: The Irvine Co. recently booted Avenatti and his law firm from their Fashion Island offices after the firm failed to pay rent. (NS)
The 64-year-old was arrested in October on suspicion of murdering her 92-year-old mother, Ruth Strange, in Huntington Beach. The younger Strange was later charged with a sentencing enhancement of murder for financial gain. Mitigating factor: Nowhere to spend mommy’s money. (MC)
Social Distortion might not be writing any hits lately, but they can still give ’em. At a show in Sacramento in July, singer Mike Ness railed against Trump onstage, garnering cheers from all but one fan: Trump supporter Tim Hildebrand, who stupidly decided to give him the finger. After a brief verbal spat, Ness reportedly socked the shit out of him, leaving Hildebrand with two black eyes, a busted lip and a concussion. If you’re a fan of Social D and are thinking about battling the band over their politics, you better think twice before flipping the bird, or else you’re going to make your own bad, bad luck. Mitigating factor: Consider sporting some eyeliner like Ness did back in the day when he used to get his ass whooped by jocks. The memory of his childhood might make him more likely to connect with you instead of kill you. (NJ)

And the 2018 inductee into the SCARIEST HALL OF FAME is . . .
As the only cast member to last since day one of The Real Housewives of Orange County, which launched Bravo’s oft-duplicated Real Housewives franchise and has remained in the lineup for 13 seasons and counting, she is the tired, sandblasted face of the unreal reality show. We’ve watched (or hidden our eyes) as the (grand) mother hen from hell battled medical issues with her second husband by her side, renewed her marriage vows with him, and then still divorced him, blaming the show for being partly responsible. (Ya think?) She went on to take up with another slimeball over the objections of her cast mates and own children. It’s small wonder: He advised Gunvalson’s son-in-law to hit his wife to keep her in line. Vicks and the dude split up after it was revealed he faked having cancer, and he has since remarried. Speaking of failures, Gunvalson watched her own vodka brand dry up, and she once became the subject of an FBI investigation for sending a topless photo of herself to a 15-year-old girl. She’s currently in the arms of dirty, brutal Santa Ana cop-turned-unsuccessful Anaheim City Council candidate Steve Lodge. Mitigating factor: “I signed up for this!” Gunvalson told Us Weekly in 2012. “This is my reality—come on in through all the issues and struggles and trials—and good times!” (MC)
You forgot Cincinelli and Wolfe, the fired Fullerton Police Officers who were 2 of 6 Fullerton Police Officers who beat the 37 year old, unarmed, homeless, schizophrenic man Kelly Thomas to death in 2011. As of October 2018, Wolfe & Cincinelli are still trying to get their FPD jobs back WITH 7 years of back pay. Remember, they were fired for violating Fullerton Police Policy. Has anyone ever in a workplace been given their jobs back with back pay for violating establish policy?! Kelly was doing nothing illegal at the time of his murder. He was brutally beaten, clubbed, tazzed, and suffocated to brain death. The entire time Kelly was begging and screaming for his life. His whole murder was captured on Fullerton city cameras and the DAR devices worn by these monsters. Remember when former Chief Hughes said the video “wasn’t that bad”?! It’s on youtube. Kelly’s family took him off of life support 5 days later when the doctors said there was no coming back from brain death. You should also include the entire jury in the Kelly Thomas criminal trial in a perpetual scary list for not convicting Ramos and Cincinelli in the criminal trial. As well as Tony Rackauckas for losing the case.
Excellent list. Went too easy on Michael Gates! That immature, dead eyed, pasty pig faced, robot has been setting his reputation on fire lately. Gates is always boasting about being a Christian. How would he feel towards an OVSD school board candidate who supported a book burning of the bible? Would he and his wife host that high school drop out at a fundraiser in their home? Or is just the Quran that they are cool with burning? What disgusting, awful people. There has to be a decent Republican lawyer in Huntington Beach who wants this over paid position. Finding someone to run against this little over coifed dweeb next election should be a priority.
Gracey is a racist and a boggit. She doesn’t even have a high school diploma, yet people want to see her in the Ocean View School Board. Her associates just got arrested by the FBI…..lets pray she gets locked up too.
Gracey Van Der Mark doesn’t even have a High school diploma yet she is running for OVSB. Since the beginning of her campaign she has avoided Facebook because she refuses to answer questions about her past. She will pop up just to thank people for the help. Her campaign got money from people who want to continue building homes in HB. They want to buy school properties and develop on them. If you are against hate and HDD please do not for Crazy Gracey.
HBsledgehammer content is and always has been freely available at https://sledgehammerarchives.wordpress.com. The incorrect dismissal of the ANTI SLAPP suit against Gina Tarvin Is now in the California State Court of appeals, a court which recently ruled…
“A defendant who files an anti-SLAPP motion in a case which has otherwise been rendered moot by other rulings is entitled to have the motion heard, regardless of a disposition otherwise rendering the matter moot.” [with citations]
So Tarvin is screwed once this comes up on the docket. Not half as screwed as she will be when the perjury charges are filed.
Tarvin is finished politically. I decided to stand down and focus on things that really matter like catching some fun waves and enjoying time with my family.
San Roman is still listed about this piece I wrote…which I guess is understandable…
Agree, David. Gracey is a festering boil on Huntington Beach. The Gates support of her as a viable OVSD board member further inflames. Mrs. Gates posted, “…I am going to vote for Gracey…” But they don’t live in the OVSD area. When asked about this important fact, Michael Gates stated they own property there. But don’t you have to actually reside in the area to vote in the area? That’s a sincere query. It got very confusing. Are the Gates lying to the citizens of Huntington Beach in order to influence a school board election? Are they publicly stating their intention to commit voter fraud? Or is Michael Gates just proving his incompetency yet again? Like when he went after a city council candidate that he does not favor and posted incorrect accusations of misappropriation of a city logo. He was promptly schooled by the public who seem to have a much stronger grasp on city laws. Then there are the mysterious claims in another post about, “very, very, ” threatening voice mails allegedly made by someone who beat Gates in court. Let’s hear those message! I mean, no self respecting attorney would destroy evidence, right? And HBPD did NOTHING? About voicemails that weren’t just “threatening” to the city attorney, but “very, very” threatening? What does it take to get some action on recorded threats? A third, “very”?
When I last spoke to Chuck Johnson via Satellite Phone a few days ago, he was on a 70 foot boat anchored somewhere near Sumbawa in the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indo, preparing to score OC Weekly know he “doesn’t give two fucks” and that he will try to make it back in time to be there when the State of California Appeals court hears the appeal of his ANTI SLAPP suit against Tarvin. He added ” Let that asshole Gabriel San Roman know that the apostrophe above the “A” in his last name is probably bigger than his dick”. He also added that the content to HBSledgehammer is “freely available at https://sledgehammerarchives.wordpress.com/ .”
This should have read….”When I last spoke to Chuck Johnson via Satellite Phone a few days ago, he was on a 70 foot boat anchored somewhere near Sumbawa in the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indo, preparing to score some hollow empty lefts. He asked me to let the OC Weekly know he “doesn’t give two fucks” and that he will try to make it back in time to be there when the State of California Appeals court hears the appeal of his ANTI SLAPP suit against Tarvin. “
Roni Ellis…on this list with attemped murders…what a joke…Fake news ! Roni has done more for the school kids is this county than anyone I’ve ever met…Im honored to have had her as our childrens principal..She is an outstanding person and works hard for our children…sad, this is nothing but a hit job !
Nothing says, “I don’t care” like being the only one on the list to comment. And have a “friend” comment.
Lol. Didja catch the part where you are described as desperate? Thanks for proving them right on that!
Tell all your unelected friends this election cycle to delete their accounts. They lost. It’s over.
I concur!!!
Chinese ladies notice everything, even the little points you assumed will not matter. Muffins can obtain a little confusing, relying on where you live in the globe. Army quartermaster provided a contract to anyone that might discover a method to make frozen orange juice due to the fact that the federal government wanted a method to obtain Vitamin C to soldiers in such a way that didn’t taste terrible. Previous frozen orange juice shed its preference quickly and transformed disgusting. Two weeks after their breakup, she lost her task. Nonetheless, if she would firmly insist on going “Dutch” where both of you split the bill, after that do so. Yi, the Nanjing grad, nevertheless, says he’s quit checking the system, as he’s tired of being treated as inferior. Washington Irving, who composed “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” is credited with being the very first person to call them doughnuts in print. It’s what North Americans call an Engish Muffin, as well as it’s commonly a kind of flatbread. What did they call it?
They do not appear to have actually flowed a lot beyond this area. Rising water level may have unexpectedly drenched the location around 7,550 years ago. To conclude, remember these essential things when have words with your lady. It is essential to keep these points in mind while dating a Chinese lady. This is a very interesting principle as people can put in their preference regarding what type of girl are they searching for. In The United States and Canada, if you claim “muffin,” you’re speaking about a baked quick bread muffin that’s usually wonderful and maybe loaded with fruit or nuts of some kind. They can be tasty or pleasant as well as topped with nearly anything you could imagine. Breakfast sandwiches are a staple of morning meals throughout the world yet specifically in North America where you can locate them at fast food locations as well as even gasoline station. Croissants, as we understand them today, are the outcome of the baking skills of a Viennese baker that opened a pastry shop in Paris in 1839. The owner, an Austrian weapons police officer called August Zang, motivated many impersonators that went on to make croissants world popular. Waffles are so preferred that we have appliances that exist just to make them and also dining establishment chains that are called after them.
English muffins, which in the UK are simply called muffins, have a great deal of adaptability in exactly how they obtain made use of in morning meal. Usually served with melon, like cantaloupe or honeydew, and likewise seasonal berries, like strawberries or blueberries, it’s about as easy as morning meal can obtain. In its most basic kind, it’s just eggs, yet you can add all type of extras – from easy salt as well as pepper, to milk, cream, chives, or cheese. The main distinction in between breakfast sausage and also routine sausage is the size (morning meal chnlove review sausages are commonly smaller sized) and flavorings, which are often relatively basic in morning meal versions. The primary reason you just can not miss out on DateAsianWoman is the number of communication solutions it provides. Why tinker a potato? You blend eggs and also use warm. The concept of consuming meat, eggs as well as cheese for morning meal is a 19th-century advancement. They can differ from having traditionally southwestern ingredients, like chorizo and also salsa, or they can be much more like a standard American morning meal of eggs, potatoes and cheese. Clambered eggs, unlike most egg recipes, require virtually no effort or technique. Steamed eggs are probably one of the earliest egg developments.
Arguably one of the most popular English muffin on the planet is the McDonald’s Egg McMuffin. Orange juice obtained a huge increase in World Battle II when the U.S. Coffee is so synonymous with breakfast these days that the U.S. Get your coffee and also dig into the quiz! If you have that food lover nature, you should have the ability to get a lot of these, do not you assume? When you assume about it, there’s not a load of difference in between these things as well as cupcakes. Eggs have actually been consumed for as lengthy as people have actually been eating anything. 45 billion. It’s tough to pin down a precise day when individuals first began making coffee, but it seems to date back to the 15th century in Ethiopia. Really, this is fairly wrong, as well as most Chinese girls are fairly open individuals. And now, we have Chinese moms enforcing technique and also high worths while balancing the equation with love. Because turkey doesn’t have any type of natural cuts that would function as bacon, turkey bacon is made from cuts that are cut and changed right into strips. Turkey bacon has only been around given that sometime in the 1990s, an attempt to money in on individuals’s desire to consume much healthier, low-fat choices than typical pork bacon.
The FUSE line screens the state of the three fuses on the QPID terminal board. The previous technique will initialize Qpid SystemLauncher, present the system configuration as a HashMap and launch it. In order to keep the operations going in case of failure of a broker ActiveMQ may be be operated in a Master/Slave configuration. For ladies who are in search of some critical relationship they’ll use Aisle, and Floh. At the moment we are so busy and are so much sure by our skilled pressures that we hardly have any time for actions like relationship. California online dating sites are continuing to develop in recognition and many people feel it makes meeting different singles quicker and more thrilling, rather than hanging out at local bars hoping to satisfy someone that has the same ideas and targets you’ve. Shamu the killer whale, marine creatures and sea lion exhibits are all part of your Sea World San Diego adventure. Tens of millions of people all over the world use online dating sites and apps.
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Moreover in these sites you possibly can automatically filter the profiles which will let you only contact those with whom your profile matches theirs. Add all the information like gender, the age restrict of the person you prefer to to fulfill, and how far you can journey to meet them. Consequently once you first meet one another the chances are reduced that you’ll be completely embarrassed as a result of it is the first meeting. Most sites are free until you need to begin communicating, at which time you will be required to pay the subscription fee. Theses comparisons websites, will let you read vital highlights such because the search instruments and subscription charges. Along with the flexibility to contact individuals via their profile, a paid membership usually grants access to extra advanced features of the site, equivalent to higher profile searches or the next ranking for your profile when it comes up in different users’ search outcomes. Tell an in depth buddy that you’re having a tough time not cruising your ex’s wall and profile, and ask them for the emotional assist it’s worthwhile to cease this self-flagellating habits. Every time you are assembly somebody new whether you met on some online dating site for singles or a blind date arrange by your finest good friend there are essential relationship guidelines to bear in mind to guard yourself.
Be sure that you’re swiping the most effective person the correct. In such a case it is healthier in the event you ship a not or a reply to the person providing real explanations in case if you do not wish to continue speaking with the person any longer. A: Each chat session creates a case and is saved in Salesforce. Do not transcend the bounds and be sure to restrict your conversation in case it goes haywire. Particular person advertising and marketing and branding is very important while carrying a web based conversation on an online dating web site. Being open in your dialog will always make it easier to to grasp the opposite person in a better method, when on an online dating site. We’re not suggesting it’s a must to lie, however it is likely to be price being a bit ambiguous with your alternative of username. Ed Pierce: Are there any specific tales or poems by Tolkien – either in the home sequence or elsewhere – that you just assume lend themselves to being presented in a well-liked collection (much like how the Turin materials was extracted from Unfinished Tales and elsewhere and introduced in the Children of Hurin)? As they are saying there are many fishes in the sea, the free online dating sites in Australia show it [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/qpidnetwork/33276660992/]qpid network[/url] correct.
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And each black men and black girls got the bottom response rates for their respective genders. Quartz’ information are based on a sequence of yes-or-no questions on who users are interested in, in addition to response rates between customers, as soon as notified of a possible suitor. This can save you time and make it easier to find potential matches who’re a superb match for you. These sites usually have larger person bases and a wider vary of features that will help you join with potential matches. Test all of the free features offered by a web site. Men’s Fitness magazine has pulled a relationship article from its website titled “How To turn A No Right into a Yes”. It’s safe. Again, we can’t say it’s 100% protected because unfortunately, there are still some pretend profiles and scammers on dating websites. Asian dating companies are literally the very best option for individuals who want thus far a woman from this area-they are not too costly, they are very convenient, and there are lots of dependable companies with a good fame. The problem is that it’s not the most effective choice for those who’re trying to find one thing serious. With Moonyoung to face Hyeshin within the tournament finals, Jaegu meets Hyeshin’s older brother, Hyesong, who’s a shut-in and, with Hopae’s assist, gets Hyesong to overcome his fear of bullies and transfer on together with his life.
Okay, so whenever you date online, you won’t have a chance to attempt her cooking and native dishes, but it surely won’t be long earlier than you’ll wish to go meet her face to face and spend time with her. You can’t turn your back and they’re there, like an octopus caught to your face. And I’d like to stand out and share my experience on love and relationship guiding people to achieve for his or her beloved one and partner. I assist hard-working Asian American Millennials get wealthy doing work they love. â—Spoiler: the quickest, the most convenient, and the cheapest method to meet an Asian girlfriend is online courting-a distinct segment Asian dating site will work significantly better for you than all of the alternatives. Hundreds of Asian-Individuals couples met online, and most of them used area of interest Asian dating site platforms, not Facebook or Tinder. Though the female-to-male ratio on most Asian dating providers is in your favor, you still have to face out from the group.
And men from the States additionally pay plenty of attention to their appearance by working out lots and having correct nutrition. 4. Ask unpredictable questions to figure out whether your date is a real particular person or a bot. The real courting experts will all the time let you know the reality a couple of courting service. Finding a lady on an Asian dating site takes time and persistence. If you actually like her, then it is time that you simply method her in a pleasant way, idateasia scam together with your greatest smile, and say your kindest hi there. When you end up personally assembly the individual for the primary time be sure that it’s in a public place, this holds significance especially for girls. They administered legal guidelines, supervised public works initiatives, and collected income for themselves as an alternative of the imperial courtroom. C. Order types End. This interval of chaos and makes an attempt at order is commonly generally known as that of the Six Dynasties. Be upfront about your hobbies, interests, and what you’re searching for in a relationship. Asian men and women who are in search of like-minded partners have a variety of nice choices they will discover, both the standard manner and on Asian dating websites.
If you’re searching for love with an Asian girl, there’s no higher place to start out than on an Asian dating site. If you’re a white man, your chances to seek out an Asian date are very excessive-they go crazy about white guys in some Asian countries. I will even provide you with some very helpful recommendation to help you meet gorgeous Asian girls on the web (and how you can blow away all the opposite guys who’re competing for the hottest ladies). You can even marry her and sail off into the sunset together. Plus, each Asian nation has their own “look†so you may decide for yourself whom you find probably the most attractive. Because of this, numerous scholars have been calling on Southeast Asian governments to take part and nominate more websites in UNESCO annually. Some scholars equivalent to Aung-Thwin (Aung-Thwin 2005) and (Hudson 2004) listing and analyze the Mani Yadanabon alongside other chronicles.
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Even his fellow professionals have been in awe of his distance off the tee, completed with the efficiency of his swing quite than brute strength (he’s 6’2”, 155 pounds). In 2003 and 2004, Woods dropped to a extra mortal stage as he reworked his swing. Although Woods did not win a major event throughout those two years, he still gained six events while coping with brutal media criticism — rumors ran rampant relating to the alleged tension between Tiger and his swing coach, Butch Harmon. It turned out to be his best season up to now, as he won three consecutive majors, 9 complete PGA Tour events, and set or tied 27 Tour records. It produces one to a few ears on a stalk. Although you’ll find good-tasting corn yr-spherical, many out-of-season ears aren’t value consuming. He rapidly demonstrated that he was value each penny-and more. It takes somewhat extra time for people to compare two times in 12h notation. By then, Woods had completed two years at Stanford University, profitable one NCAA Championship, and speculation in the golf world centered on how soon he would turn pro. To search out out more about AnatasiaDate and Asiandate, two of the leading international dating services since 1993, you may test them out online.
They were then changed by the more capable M-forty eight Patton Medium Tank. The M-47 General George S. Patton Medium Tank was an interim design derived from an interim tank. Complete night vision tools was fitted to the tank and included an improved infrared/white mild xenon searchlight. Another design, taken from the T-7 experimental mild tank, was selected as an alternative. In our Love App-tually collection, Mashable shines a gentle into the foggy world of online dating. In 2007, simply 10 years after his first main win, Tiger Woods stood on top of not only his game but the whole golf world. The start of yr introduced news of Tiger’s prolonged domination over the world of golf: Woods announced he would play host to his own tournament that coming July. Silver Singles can be a courting app that’s utterly for daters who’re age 50 and over. The website includes data resembling tips to navigate the online dating world, help with making a profile, and do’s and don’ts for online dating. Want extra details about corn? The just one making an attempt to get rich quick is the scammer as she or he fishes for your financial institution particulars or different financial data.
Woods took the 2006 British Open by shooting 18-underneath par, just one shot in need of his record of 19-under set in 2002. Emotions ran excessive as Woods devoted the win to his father. He captured his third by charging from five down after 18 to win on the 38th hole against Steve Scott. Woods rang in the new 12 months with his fifth win in a row. His father, Earl Woods, died on May 3 of that yr after an extended bout with prostate cancer, and Woods took a depart of absence for nine weeks. Despite the fact that it may be easier to chat with folks, there are still some potential dangers. Wrench workers author Abby Patterson for a podcast discussion concerning the alternatives an online chat platform can deliver to an automotive service enterprise. Also, customers can join with one another by means of video chats privately. As 67% of Tinder users are males, that implies that solely 33% are ladies.
Officers stated they was dealing with one hundred victims manipulated by men and women pretending to love them. It was used for range discovering or for antipersonnel use. A median Tinder user swipes on 140 profiles a day, in keeping with a 2016 research word by Cowen and Co. A 2019 research by Dutch researchers Tila Pronk and Jaap Denissen from Tilburg University discovered that online daters turned more prone to reject the profiles the longer they swiped – a phenomenon they called “rejection thoughts-set.†“When people notice that they are rejecting increasingly more profiles, their dissatisfaction with the dating pool increases they usually turn out to be very pessimistic about their probabilities of discovering a accomplice on-line,†Pronk mentioned. She didn’t discover him at first however eventually found his sense of humor. November 19, 1931 The charmdate.com Sikorsky S-40 amphibian enters service with Pan Am, with Charles Lindbergh making the first flight. May 2, 1927 The Pan American Goodwill flight of 22,065 miles ends at Bolling Field, Washington, D.C. Keep in mind that corn has shallow roots, and a vigorous attack on the weeds may destroy the crop. You may additionally understand it as a place where these who are down on their luck can get a meal and a cheap bed for the evening.
They have no issue with connecting to the male who captured their attention on a dating website. They are appreciative and modest, and you will have no issue attracting them. With FarmersOnly, you are able to discover somebody who shares comparable interests, worths, and more. Authenticity can help you draw in matches who appreciate you for who you are, resulting in more meaningful connections. Whether you desire a connection with someone who shares your cultural background, interests and life objectives, or simply wish to check out Asian dating possibilities in your city or town, eharmony is here to assist. So, when dating one, you need to be uncomplicated about the things you want your relationship to attain. For instance, an Indian lady will need her parents to approve of you as a prospective hubby, Japanese women prefer to go on very first dates with a group of other individuals, and a Chinese single lady will anticipate you to make all the essential decisions in the relationship. Ensure you consist of things like the Ray ID (that is at the bottom of the error page).
Many individuals would state that dating Thais is among the finest things that can take place to you. Always keep a wholesome language towards new individuals. In Thailand dating, there are a lot of things to keep in mind, beginning with their beliefs. Bear in mind that it is insulting to utilize your feet to mention something. Chinese girls are raised to be considerate and courteous, so always be courteous when you’re asking her out. 3. For Asians, the best match is quiet, womanly, and even not laughing out loud. Obviously there are dating websites that go for asians, but in the end, they can never guarantee it for sure. As an outcome, the majority of Thai songs pick to utilize online dating websites to discover somebody. Hence, if you are fulfilling the household of your Thai partner, anticipate it to be grand. Other people would say when the day of the conference comes, it will seem like you are preparing yourself for a Christmas celebration. Thai individuals desire people to be in advance and honest about their sensations. 6. Have your very first conversation: Chatting online is incredible, however there comes a time when you want to hear the voice of the individual you’re being familiar with on the other side of that profile pic.
Not surprising that that over a half of men in the world wish to get a lovely Asian bride. This thoughtful matching system helps introverts by reducing the requirement for extensive searching and get more info swiping, saving time and Strength. Learn to be respectful of your date’s time and resources. You will be searching profiles of people you have an interest in no time and you will be preparing yourself for romance within a week! Some people may have discovered somebody to share their lives with, while some are seeking to find theirs. Try to examine your profile and see what you might do to improve if you are having issues dating online and can’t discover a perfect match. If you are searching for your perfect Thai match, you simply got lucky. This is considered to be one of the golden [url=https://twitter.com/asiamescam]asiame review[/url] Thai dating tips. It’s a big no-no to send the same message from a single person to another. No individual likes to feel uncomfortable and insecure while in a romantic relationship.
Avoid oversharing your life to a person you simply fulfilled online. 3. If you satisfied a single Asian female on the website and if things get along well. Luckily, when you date Asian ladies online, they get more daring. When you are dating an Asian lady you’ve fulfilled online, you need to understand that she may have marriage on her mind. Share your true goals and life aspirations: a lady from Asia will open her heart to a male only if she feels genuineness and his real desire to be with her. Asian languages aren’t popular with immigrants and aren’t easy to discover, so your attempt to impress a girl in this method will definitely work! You must do your part and do some effort. You need to know that Thai females are scheduled and modest. Contact us for info on obtaining the proper visa for your Thai sweetheart and enhancing the application procedure. It’s essential to discover your Oriental sweetheart much better and discover her qualities and talents to understand her personality instead of asking odd concerns or making wrong conclusions.
When you hit dry spells, it’s going to very easily take toll on ego in addition to make you marvel while things will change. Not splurging the money in your dates does not make you cheap. Although dating is most often colloquially used to discuss with the action of individuals partaking in dates with one other, dating also can encompass a variety of actions which fall outside participation in dates. The protocols and practices of dating and the terms used to describe it fluctuate vastly between cultures, societies, and time durations. After heavily relying on these theories for 2 years, I’ve discovered to not solely take the knowledge with a grain of salt but in addition to be sure that these are practices I actually want to implement. Although it permits us to make contact with folks on the opposite facet of the world, as easily as speaking to a friend who is settled on the road, additionally it is identified to introduce a layer of insulation between people, virtually To beat actual obstacles. However, it is an effective way to satisfy different folks, even if you don’t wind up discovering any dates.
So who higher to chat to than somebody who’s seen extra good – and bad – dates than most of us? Coronavirus modified the world of courting and has left extra folks having to navigate the digital world so as to find love. When you really think about it, online dating tips is something that may have an amazing impact depending on the scenario. What number of times have you ever walked right into a bar, sat down, and simply had a flood of women come as much as you? Many individuals will come up via tens of profiles they don’t like. You additionally have to watch out as online courting does not come without its dangers. A personalized program that guides you efficiently via the relationship world. But dating now is very different to what it was pre-Covid. Do not be unduly fearful about whether or not the connection will transfer forward, just guarantee that you have a pleasurable courting expertise. Things have gone very fallacious.
Things that you just say and what you suppose really issues probably the most. Keep things mild and save the heavy stuff for later on. Hence, keep your breath contemporary. And the last date you had proved it. Believe it or not, you do not must pretend that you hearken to different rock, when in actuality you’ve been listening to Taylor Swift’s final album on repeat for the final six months. Anyone who gives you recommendation to pretend to be someone you’re not just isn’t providing you with good advice. First and foremost, giving out any personal data have to be averted. No matter the chance that the first date goes properly, there is no such thing as a explanation behind your date to know where you live. In these instances, the model is never the one who created the profile, and common online customers know this. Check out if your companion is still there wanting out for dates or relationships with any other individual.
Ahead of Valentine’s day, BBC News is wanting at the enterprise of romance. Has the pandemic bought in the best way of your romance? One way in which you’ll construct your confidence is by making sure you a cushty with the way in which you look. Gaming [url=https://medium.com/@latamdate/latamdate-scam-7-tips-to-ensure-your-safety-on-online-dating-sites-883d58e1afa]latamdate.com[/url] firm director Daniel Beard, 34, is one of them. It all will depend on the individual, and one person’s constructive expertise is another’s nightmare. It’s not lifelike to be constructive all the time. You need somebody to think “I might fortunately spend time with that personâ€, don’t be intimidated by her supermodel ferocity. If this particular person really gets turned off by me responding to their textual content message or name in a well timed method, is that this somebody I really need up to now and would really feel comfy with in the long run? When you are on a profile for someone who has courting potential, you can send them a message and if they reply, you can begin speaking by way of e-mail, then probably By telephone, leading to a attainable meeting. Listed listed here are some on-line courting concepts that it is feasible to use and consider too.