Millenial’s Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt with $500 in Cash Prizes

Who says Easter egg hunts are just for kids? Are you 19-35 years of age and like to have fun, be competitive, and win some cash? Then you don’t want to miss this crazy new event!

Get your best team of 7-10 people (ages 19-35) to solve some riddles and get 12 Key Eggs (color coded for your team) before any other teams do. This event is like a mix between the Amazing Race & escape rooms. So you need some brains and some brawn, so choose your team wisely. Don’t have enough people to make a team? We will connect you with others where you can make new friends.

1st Place Team gets $300 CASH

2nd Place Team gets $150 CASH

3rd Place Team gets $50 CASH

Everyone else gets a pat on the back.

We will have other games & music after with more prizes, so don’t take off too fast.

This all takes place from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM. (Check-in from 7:30-8:00 PM)

When you register, please have a team name (can’t be vulgar or any innuendos). If you don’t

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