Siblings Vince and Gina Marsaglia bought a struggling Solana Beach pizza joint in 1987 and put what they call a San Diego twist to the menu with their “anti-wimpy” gourmet pizzas. Vince also took advantage of spare space in the storage area to dabble in home brewing. The grub-and-grog combination has proven so winning that Pizza Port went on to open three more locations, including one in San Clemente in 2003. That same year, the original Pizza Port was named Small Brewpub of the Year at the Great American Beer Festival. San Clemente's is the mini-chain's only Pizza Port with two floors and two bars, doubling the number of places frosty mugs can be filled with fresh, handcrafted, award-winning suds with names such as Poche Pale, Doheny Double and Trestles Special Golden. The reputation for Vince's little side project has grown so much that at last year's Great American Beer Festival, Pizza Ports won a staggering nine awards, while Pizza Port Carlsbad, which includes a premium bottle shop with more than 600 craft beers, was named Large Brewpub of the Year.