You're Bury Greedy

You are the soulless, large, greedy Orange County cemetery where we had to bury our relative to respect her last wishes. From the bitchy phone operator who was giving me the third degree just to transfer a call to the employee who told us we should have planned for the passing ahead of time when we asked to negotiate the sky-high costs (OHHH, PLANNING AHEAD FOR A DEATH! THAN YOU FOR THE “HELPFUL” SUGGESTION; GIVE US A TIME MACHINE, AND WE'LL GET RIGHT ON IT) to the fact that you tried to sell us more plots before we could even get our loved one into the ground, maybe you should use all the money you are making to give all your employees a course on empathy. Your business model sickens me. With what you charge one would think you were bringing the dead back to life instead of just hawking and maintaining patches of grass. Good luck trying to profit off people's vulnerabilities. You are all going to hell.

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