Costa Mesa's kitschy Tiki Bar books yet another impressive headliner this week. Monday night, reggae legend Yellowman comes to Orange County to lay some bad ass rhythms down for all us suburban SoCal folks. Yellowman, an early '80s DJ whose career rose to such nosebleed heights that he's credited with influencing early hip-hop, became the most famous DJ in Jamaica—an island where albinism is typically looked down upon. But Yellowman embraced his unique pigment and made it work. His live performances are likened to watching Michael Jordan play basketball—he moves with equal parts skill, grace and passion. Of his 50-plus albums (Yellowman could release up to five in a single year), there's no telling what his setlist will include—but believe this'll be one of the best shows of the summer.
Mon., Aug. 26, 7 p.m., 2013