So you're one of those who thought better of attending that much-balleyhooed music festival out in the desert this weekend. Maybe you reasoned that gas will probably cost five bucks per gallon by the time the weekend gets here. Maybe you've also heard the maddening tales of cars idling bumper-to-bumper as the clusterfuck of traffic chokes a two-lane road for half the night. Or perhaps you just know firsthand how packed and uncomfortable a dance tent is when the Chemical Brothers rock it and figure Coachella's first casualty might come when the Material Girl tries to reconnect with a cool we don't ever remember her having. Whatever the case, you're staying put.
Lucky for you, Innaway is laying a good groove to get into right here in OC. Come for the convenience and stay for the band that sounds like they've been locked in a room listening to Pink Floyd's Obscured By Clouds since the first Coachella. Their woozy warmth will have the exact opposite effect on your soul as a traffic jam in the desert.
The Revolver Project rings in its two-year anniversary with Innaway, Silver Sunshine and Shane Gooding at La Cave, 1695 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa, (949) 646-7944. Sat., 10 p.m. Free. 21+. Dance party to follow.