Now he has extended that Christianly action to the 219 members of the House of Representatives who voted for the health-care reform bill, which does Satanic things like help poor people get medical care.
The Daily Beast reports that Drake this morning sent out an e-mail calling for an “imprecatory prayer” against the 219 Democrats who made history on Sunday.
“We'll remember in November and pray Psalms 109 while waiting,” he
urged, before listing each offending congressman by name in “Satan's
domain in Washington D.C.”Psalms 109:8 reads: “May his days be few; may another take his place
of leadership” followed by “May his children be fatherless and his wife
a widow.”
He also wrote, “It is time for the saints to step up and get back in the war, between
good and evil. See what God says the saints are to do in this battle.” Yes, Rev. Drake is telling saints to “step up.”
We assume that a loophole written into the health-care bill as part of Evil Obama's Chicago-Style Backroom Deals (TM) prevents members of the U.S. Senate from being targeted by imprecatory prayers.