
Wildboys have had one hell of a career—for a band who just started playing gigs this year. Typically, up- and-comers have to pay their dues for some time before getting a residency at Detroit Bar, but this isn't your average group. Rocking an electro-dance sound reminiscent of Chromeo, they started the music-career process by recording and presenting weekly Youtube shows, and making their songs available for digital download prior to appearing before a live audience. Hey, it seems to be working. Their energetic, thumping dance numbers feature some fierce raps and wonky-ass samples from the past three decades. Of course silly publicity stunts haven't hurt the band's visibility: witness this year's OC Music Awards when one half of the duo, MC Charles Bronson, hijacked the microphone during of Avenged Sevenfold's acceptance speeches. Sounds like Kanye's got some stiff competition.

Mon., March 7; Mon., March 21; Mon., March 28, 2011

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