Cobra Starship landed at the Pomona Glass House Friday night for the closest-to-OC leg of their “Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking Tour.” Christopher Victorio caught the main act and support band Metro Station (but missed out on We The Kings and The Cab, also on tour with Cobra). The venue was packed, and some fans brought their Cobra Starship action figures along for the ride. Photos here.
Saturday took OCW intern and Cal State Fulleron student Nate Jackson to the L.A. Convention Center to audition for NBC's American Gladiators: “The place was crammed with people like a flea market on steroids. There was everything from a Gladiator-style pugil stick battle station, to muscle supplement vendors, to a spray-on tanning center where people lined up to get doused with Crayola orange.” Read the rest of Nate's review here.
Also on Sat: Food critic Edwin Goei started his first of what we hope will be many weekend food blog posts on Navel Gazing. It's not too late to catch Asameshi Maeda Honten – the “Legendary Ramen Fair” in Costa Mesa, but don't wait too long as it ends today.
Dave Segal spent Saturday night at the Light Gallery in Costa Mesa, where he caught the penultimate Double Fisted DJ night with DJ Poppa, Scotty Coats, Dirty-Lo and their fellow jocks with the Love Break crew. “They spun high-quality disco and house music all night while interesting pop-art paintings hung interestingly on the walls,” says he.
Film critic LYT watched U2-3D at the Irvine Spectrum. His two cents (okay, maybe four): “The 3D effects weren't the best, with more “ghosting” of images than I'd have liked, but overall it made me nostalgic for the days of huge rock star bands and musicians who believe they can bring world peace. Not so many of those nowadays, and if there were, no doubt some idiot right wingers would tell them to “shut up and sing.” Also, I learned that annoying fat fucks think that when a movie is of a concert, it entitles them to talk through the whole thing in a brazen manner I don't think they'd have at a “normal” movie. I even yelled “Shut up” at them twice; did no good. Thankfully the movie was loud.”
Christopher spent Saturday and Sunday photographing the Ragga Muffins Festival in Long Beach. We're still sifting through his 1,500 snaps, but do read a review of Saturday's lineup by Marco Villalobos, who incurred the wrath of a security guard with bad hair for trying to sneak in through the exit door.
Other notable weekend items:
Vickie Chang reports that some jerks from Canada stole OC boy Matt Costa's gear. The band would like their stuff back, please. In happier news, our Gustavo Arellano won the same award as Brad Pitt. And Rich Kane reports that he did “the most exciting, inspiring, enthralling, spiritually moving mass of laundry I've ever done — really, it was worth at least a segment on “Oprah” — particularly when it came time to confront my stains and “shout” them out…”