Walk Tall

We wait all year for those special seasonal treats—though we’ll happily eat absolutely anything you can make from sweet potatoes all year long). Mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin anything, cranberries in/on anything, mulled wine, roasted nuts, gingerbread, spiced cider, peppermint hot cocoa, gingerbread lattes, homemade anything . . . ok, we’ll stop. But as we all know, this, dear friends, can lead to the bitter reality of the holiday 10. To help work it off before you make that guilt-ridden New Year’s goal to work out every day, start early. Take a walk. Take lots of them! You can start by hiking through Aliso and Wood Canyons (but reservations are required). Then eat some more—this time only comes once a year.

Fri., Dec. 26, 9 a.m., 2008

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