UPDATED: Rick Santorum Backer to Women: Use Aspirin For Birth Control!

[UPDATE: Feb. 17: About half a day after making his controversial remarks, Foster Friess did a second MSNBC interview and said he'd been joking. Doubtful most women are laughing.]

[ORIGINAL POST, 10:42 a.m., Feb. 16:] On MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports this morning, a major backer to Rick Santorum's Republican presidential campaign declared that the best contraceptive method is for women to put aspirin “between their knees.”

“Back in my day, they used Bayer Aspirin for contraceptives,” said Foster Friess. “The gals put it between their knees and it wasn't that costly.”

Friess' assertion stunned Mitchell, who went silent for several seconds.

Appearing live on the show from Phoenix, Friess–a prominent Christian
conservative businessman with rascal tendencies–said that Santorum has
“strong national credentials” and conservative social views that make

He is a major contributor to Santorum's Super PAC that has supplied the
former Pennsylvania senator with critical television advertising support
in the race to beat Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination.

Friess is also tied to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who visited Orange County Republicans in January during a campaign stop that coincided with the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles.

Though several prominent OC Republicans like Congressman Dana Rohrabacher are backing Romney, other activists are anxious for Santorum to visit OC now that it looks as
if he is the only remaining serious alternative to the the former Massachusetts governor.

–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

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