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Pancake painter Dan Lacey's artwork enraged one of his portrait subjects, Laguna Niguel's Dr. Orly Taitz. The birther activist, dentist and failed Secretary of State candidate last month asked a judge to help her to force Lacey to disclose who's been paying him to paint pancake-Taitz.
To pay his as-of-yet-imaginary legal costs, Lacey's launched a fundraising effort with the hilarious video below.
Donate $2.37 here (no, we don't know why that number) and Lacey will come closer to revealing his new painting of Taitz, which will in turn reveal his benefactor. Will it be George Soros? Barack Obama? The Queen of England? Village Voice Media? We'll know soon enough.
Hat tip to Mother Jones:
Meanwhile, over at her blog, Taitz is writing about how Tuesday's primary election failure isn't the end of her political career. In two years, she may decide to run against Diane Feinstein–that is, we assume, if she's not on the same ticket as Sarah Palin for president.
Update July 6: Yesterday, Lacey opened his “Colors of Orly” exhibition and revealed the identity of the person who paid him to paint Taitz nakkie. And for perhaps the first time in a long time, Taitz's suspicions appear to have been well-founded. Yep, it's George. Taitz was on hand for the unveiling, kind of. Watch below: