[Updated, 3/18/13, 10:19 p.m.]
Thanks to Dave Lieberman and reader TuscanBoy for elaborating on the goings on over in Downtown Fullerton. Layer Cake's second location will be housed behind Fuoco. Dave mentioned the Northwest corner. TuscanBoy commented Southwest. We're simply happy it'll be ready between now and Easter.
[Original post, 3/18/13, 9:30 a.m.]
We went out to pick up macarons over the weekend, and came back with a scoop! Our friends over at Layer Cake are about to open a second bakery. There wasn't a Facebook page or Instagram shot of the place to notify us. We discovered the old-fashioned way–asking.
Actually, their website hints at it, but we didn't catch the announcement. We spoke to a friendly salesperson during our transaction for details; turns out, it will be MUCH bigger than their existing space. We can even look forward to an expanded menu. Considering the location, it's safe to assume bank on longer hours as well.
Per both salesperson and web, the future location is 101 North Harbor (with the entrance at Commonwealth). However, when we looked up the neighborhood, that's the address of Fuoco Pizzeria Napoletana. Bragging rights for the Forker who solves the conundrum.
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A contributing writer for OC Weekly, Anne Marie freelances for multiple online and print publications, and guest judges for culinary competitions. A Bay Area transplant, she graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management from Cal Poly Pomona. Find her on Instagram as brekkiefan.