Clear your calendar this weekend 'cause the Grrl Fair is back and better than ever! OMG, gurl, you can't miss it! Everyone knows that this Sunday is the International Women's Day celebration in LA—but who wants to drive all the way to LA when we can party in Santa Ana this Saturday with some of OC's best female artists, musicians, photographers, activists and DJs?
Shoot, when else are can you see the Panties, the Narodniks, Mystery Hangup, Melina Mena and Her Dolls, Glitch, and about half a dozen other girl-power-chord-rock bands all on the same bill? And there's going to be a ton of speakers, crazy-cool pieces of artwork—and don't forget to bring some change because I'd bet my favorite brown shoes there'll be booths galore with sweet merch.
But this Saturday is only the opening ceremonies to four weeks' worth of girl-gathering festivities including a Do-It-Your-Damn-Self Craft Fair (clever!) on March 11, were we can attend how-to workshops, get some DIY merch and check out some zines; the Mic Junction on March 18, featuring hip-hop and spoken word, live DJs, and performances by b-girls (note to self: bring cardboard boxes); and a bunch of short films and documentaries at Le Film Fest on March 26. It's going to be nine hours of bra-burning, ovary-opening fun! TTYL!
Grrrl Fair Opening at El Centro Cultural de Mexico, 310 W. Fifth St., Santa Ana, (714) 953-9305; Sat., 2 p.m. $5.