There's Such A Thing As A (Practically) Free Lunch Today with Viking Truck, Dos Chinos, SOHO Taco, and More!

As chain-laden and conservative as Irvine is, we have to admit it draws the luxe loncheras. Great Park, Irvine Lanes, (Teller Lot, RIP) and even certain apartment communities are regular stops for our meals on wheels. Yet there's always the haters who proclaim, “It's too expensive!” Well, here's your bargain of the week.

If you are familiar with (or want to get to know) Dos Chinos, NWA Truck, Bacon Mania, The Viking Truck, Soho Taco or Sexy Burger, and can get your wheels to Irvine between 11am and 2pm on Wednesday, keep reading. The driving in your car part is a deal breaker, by the way.


In order to score a meal, you are expected to take a five-minute survey. We say it was closer to ten, but forgot to time it. A company called Innova Electronics is at 17352 Von Karman Avenue. Pull around to the side of their building, sign your life away, answer a couple of questions and use their device to run a diagnostic on your vehicle. That's all. The hardest part for us was locating the connection on our car for their hi-tech whatchamacallit.

They called it a five-dollar credit, but some loncheras were offering even better deals for one red ticket. Their offer is good from 11a.m. to 2 p.m. It's limited to the first 200 vehicles, but we were there at 11:30ish with absolutely no wait. Easy way to spend lunch, right? Actually, you're not spending much– just remember those tip jars deserve some love, too!

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