Photo by Matt OttoDisgusted with that failed American experiment known as democracy? Then roll your jaded civic eyes toward Placentia, where a full-fledged citizens revolt is on the cusp of capturing City Hall from the developer-blowing scumbags currently on the City Council. Residents of the tiny North County city are disgusted with their current overlords, who in the past two years have torn Placentia a $25 million debt-hole thanks to sweetheart deals for consultants pushing unneeded downtown redevelopment.
Leading the righteous putsch is Citizens for a Better Placentia, a group of gadflies known for exposing City Council clowns. Three members of Citizens for a Better Placentia now want to join that council, and you should tell all your Placentia pals to vote in Joe Aguirre, Russ Rice and incumbent Connie Underhill on Nov. 2.
But even more important is the race for city treasurer, and Citizens for a Better Placentia endorses Greg Sowards, a chemical company sales manager. Although he's never run for a political office, Sowards has spent his leisure time poring over city documents and has discovered various Placentia officials in conflict-of-interest shenanigans.
OC Weekly: Why the hell should the rest of Orange County care about what's been going on in Placentia?Greg Sowards: Everyone in Orange County should be aware that [our current financial mess] could be happening to their city. Poor management, either from city staff or the City Council, is an everyday occurrence and can be avoided. It just so happens that we have been afflicted with both before we knew what hit us. Given Placentia's debacle, why would you be running for the thankless position of city treasurer?
In the past, this position could have been considered “thankless.” But at this juncture, this position will allow me to reinstate maximum citizen oversight through the establishment of a Citizen Financial Oversight Commission, putting sorely needed checks and balances in place for the future. That in itself will ensure good spending habits. To ensure a financially healthy city will be all the thanks I need.
If elected city treasurer, will you ask the Orange County Transportation Authority to save Placentia from its near-bankruptcy, just like the current City Council?
It's not the county's place to save Placentia from near-bankruptcy. We put ourselves in this position by electing people to represent us that exhibit less-than-acceptable management skills and even worse listening skills to the will of the people. Now we must extricate ourselves from these individuals. That will allow us to move ahead with important issues such as public safety and sidewalk, street and curb repairs rather than pie-in-the-sky promises from highly compensated consultants who have compromised our quality of life. With a change in City Council majority this election, we have all the power we need to restore our financial health.
Which council member should theWeekly dig up dirt on before the election? [Laughing]This typically is not my style, but you have four to choose from! Listen to Gustavo Arellano this Friday on NPR's Day to Day as he explains why your Anaheim Angels are America's Team. GA*******@OC******.COM