InhonoroftheSantaAnadaily's100thanniversary,we'representingthisweeklytributehonoringRegister headlines,stories,cartoonsandfeaturesofthepast.

FEB. 27, 1924


By Fern Wilson

GARDEN GROVE UNION HIGH SCHOOL, Feb. 27.—There shall be showers today, say the gymnasium girls, as they all make a dive for a towel. Then ensues a grand rush for a vacant shower. Perhaps they are all taken and a girl in disgust exclaims that someone deliberately stole her shower. All is silent for a fraction of a minute until some girl makes her first venture under the shower. Then a continual uproar follows.

At the end of the room echoes a cry, “Ouch! This water is too hot,” and another is heard to shout, “Say some of you girls turn off the water and let me have a little, this is as cold as ice.”

A bar of soap is probably the next goal and over this a civil war rages until the soap has journeyed from the first shower to the very last, and the girl on finally receiving it, exclaims, “Here at last.” So the struggle continues until the bell rings. And then such a commotion! Half ready to venture from their showers, a troop of girls begin to yell for a comb and a glass. Such economy you never saw, for about seven girls make use of one comb and glass. Alas! When it is all over and Mr. Hoenshal has issued a dozen excuses, things are peaceful once more.

Such is the end of a perfect shower.

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