County Supervisor Tom Wilson's most recent e-newsletter (Fifth District Report) contained the following juicy tidbit:
The City of Laguna Beach and the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce are hosting a Save Trestles- Bluewater Concert Series on Thursday August 31st from 8-11 p.m. at Club M (680 South Coast Hwy). Cost is $10 pre-sale and $15 at the door. For more information please call 949-842-2260 (Rick Conkey).
Why is this juicy? Because only months ago (specifically March 7), the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution supporting the Transportation Corridor Agencies and their plan to extend the Foothill-South (241) toll road through San Onofre State Beach. What's the problem? Well, the Foothill-South extension is the impetus for the Save Trestles campaign, not to mention its constant inspiration. Like an evil concrete muse.
Apparently the Supervisors voted 4-1 to pass the resolution, so I went back and listened to that particular meeting to see if maybe that odd man out was Wilson, which would explain his contradictory behavior. Instead I found the one nay vote came not from Wilson, but from Supervisor Lou Correa. Good for you, Lou. So what's Wilson doing, supporting the toll road on one day and advertising for a Save Trestles event the next?
Your guess is as good as mine.
FINAL THOUGHT: As the TCA is a Joint Powers Authority, it takes members from local City Councils, OCTA, and the Board of Supervisors. Tom Wilson sits on both the Foothill/Eastern TCA (the guys specifically in charge of Foothill-South) as well as the BOS. Natch.