Promoted as the “largest community event in North Orange County,” Brea's SummerFest 2013 is like a mini OC Fair—live concerts, neon-lighted rides, near-impossible carnival games and massive amounts of food—but this festival won't jam up multiple freeways for several miles back. Oh, and a nice bonus: admission is free. This year's concert lineup is heavy on the tribute bands—the Fest runs all weekend but Sunday is the day to go, if only for performances from the OC Beach Band (featuring former and current members of the Brian Wilson Band and the Beach Boys) and the Sweet and Tender Hooligans, a Smiths and Morrissey cover band who have their own fanatic following. Ferris wheels, funnel cake, giant stuffed SpongeBob prizes—we love a good summertime fair.
Fri., May 31; Sat., June 1; Sun., June 2, 2013