Ace in the Hole. In what is also known asThe Big Carnival, Kirk Douglas is a cutthroat reporter in search of a scandal, which he finds when a local man is trapped in an ancient ruin. This fantastic Billy Wilder drama is even more relevant in today's atmosphere of sensationalist journalism. The Friday Film Forum will present a preshow program of shorts, cartoons and surprises. Long Beach School for Adults, 3701 E. Willow St., Long Beach, (562) 997-8000. Fri., 7 p.m. $1 materials fee.
also screening:
Grandma Has a Video Camera. This film follows a family of Brazilian immigrants in the United States for almost 20 years, using their own home-video footage. Enchantment turns into disillusionment, idealization into conformity, as images and voices depict how freshly arriving immigrants see their new world and struggle to establish a final home. UC Irvine, Humanities Instructional Building 100, W. Peltason and Campus drs., Irvine, (949) 824-7418; Thurs., Jan. 31, 7 p.m. $3-$5.Grindhouse. Filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino joined forces to direct two segments of this film, paying homage to the trashy exploitative B-movies on which they were weaned. In Rodriguez's Planet Terror, Earth is terrorized by zombies, while in Tarantino's Death Proof, women are terrorized by a psychotic stunt driver. Regency South Coast Village, 1561 W. Sunflower Ave., Santa Ana. Wed., 7:30 p.m. $6.Keith. This film tells the story of high-school senior Natalie, who thinks she has life figured out-until a chance encounter with a strange, unpredictable, troubled youth alters her take on . . . everything. Fueled by the dangerous combination of Ferris Bueller charm and Fight Club attitude, Keith takes Elisabeth on expeditions in his beloved yellow '65 Chevy truck. Through their shared rebellion, he shows her that the sweet adrenalin of spontaneity is sometimes the best way to appreciate the wonders of the here-and-now. UCI, Humanities Instructional Building 100, W. Peltason and Campus drs., Irvine, (949) 824-7418; Thurs., Feb. 7, 7 p.m. $3-$5.Rocky Horror Picture Show. Some do Pilates, some do “The Time Warp.” It's okay, boys, put on some makeup and look fabulous-a lot of girls are into ambiguous sexuality. Well, at least they were in Santa Cruz. TheQueen Maryhas terminated the theater's lease, so these are the last fewRocky Horrorsuntil a new location can be arranged. QMX Royal Theatre aboard theQueen Mary, 1126 Queens Hwy., Long Beach, (562) 684-4411; Sat., midnight. $9.
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