Director John Badham’s wildly popular 1977 film propelled Welcome Back, Kotter heartthrob John Travolta into mega-stardom, kicking off a whirlwind career that would soon include Grease and Urban Cowboy before he crashed, burned and had to be resurrected by Quentin Tarantino in 1994. Also featuring newcomers Donna Pescow and Karen Lynn Gorney, SNF was filled with enough polyester leisure suits, ankle-strapped sandals, hair wings and platform shoes to make it the film that defined the disco '70s. Thanks in no small part to a stellar soundtrack by the beloved Bee Gees, who were about to be burned at the stake by “death before disco-ers,” SNF also signaled both the climax and demise of a glitzy, carefree American era when the economy was in the toilet, but your hair looked far out.
Wed., Feb. 29, 7:30 p.m., 2012