The Cold War Kids are playing a very special Orange County show on Sept. 24, and anyone can go. Anyone, that is, who's willing to walk five kilometers for tickets.
The 24th is also the day of the Orange County Race for the Cure – namely the cure for breast cancer. The Race, held at Fashion Island in Newport Beach, is part of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's vicious paramilitary action against malignant mammaries.
The Kids are encouraging friends and fans to join them on the day, including Irvine-based experimental hardcore band Thrice and the Syrentha J. Savio Endowment, a hip young non-profit that raises cash for those women unable to afford chemo or other medications. How hip are they? They've already got a MySpace, baby.
Thrice donated proceeds from their third album, The Artist in the Ambulance, to the Savio Endowment and have raced for the cure before. Also in attendance will be what was once the band Hot Water Music (named after the Bukowski novel), members of which have now recombined into The Draft.
So here's the deal: you wanna see the Cold War Kids, you gots to walk the 5K. That and some minor details:
- Download the entry form from
- Mail the form, a $40 check made payable to the Syrentha Savio Endowment, and your t-shirt size to: The Syrentha Savio Endowment, P.O. Box 245,Kensington, MD 20895
- Do this by Sept. 4
- Rock out to the Cold War Kids at a very private gig