Tom Goes to the Mayor
Cartoon Network
10:15 tonite
Not every episode of this nearly animated, severely twisted program from the minds of Tim Heidecker, Eric Wareheim and Bob Odenkirk is a classic, but enough are that it seems silly to say, “Hey, tune in tonight for a classic episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor.” But, really, tune in tonight for this classic episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor. Tom—who is always going into the mayor's office to propose some lame idea aimed at improving the town, only to have the mayor mutate the idea into something generally sick and twisted—goes to the mayor with an idea to improve the health of the town's children. Tom does, after all, have an obese wife and two stepfatties. With the mayor's input, this becomes Pipe Camp, a place where the town's young 'uns are free to suck in tobacco, and leading real-life Cartoon Network geeks to swap official Cartoon Network Pipe Camp t-shirts on eBay. Meanwhile, Tom can't protest against any of this because he's under the spell of the grotesquely large, round, magical booty of a camp counselor voiced by Sarah Silverman—a story thread that was blatantly stolen from 7th Heaven. Repeats 2:15 a.m. May 29.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.