On Saturday I attended my first anti-war rally. I held a sign, I listened to speakers, I waved for spyplanes. Had I been high on the pot I would've felt a complete connection with my parents' generation.
Led by OC Weekly's own Rebecca Schoenkopf (who's no Commie-come-lately), the group of assembled senior citizens, activists, hippies, idealistic youth and undercover law enforcement marched with dignity and grace from Hart Park to Orange Circle and back, the only arrest involving an open container of alcohol. Not bad for a bunch of folks listed as “threats” by our fine government.
At one point the march passed a large man with severely cropped sideburns, boasting a large cardboard sign that read “I LOVE WAR.” I wanted to laugh, but it occured to me this guy was doing exactly the same thing as me.
“Hey man, it's all about freedom of expression,” I said.
“Just keep walking,” he responded.
Last time I try and bridge a gap.
All in all, my first protest was a success. I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats. But I missed the single best moment of the rally – when Mamie van Doren, whose breasts alone have had more political guidance than the Bush presidency, told everyone that Commie Girl was “stacked.”
Guys, think of John Holmes eyeing your groin with a jealous frown on his face. It's that level of compliment.