Poetic Affirmations From Erykah Badu, In Illustrated Form

Eccentric soul siren Erykah Badu anonymously busked for money in Times Square last week. “If you've got some initiative, you can make money,” Badu said after the experience. “All you have to do is have some initiative, and a little talent.”

Spoiler alert: she earned a whopping $3.60. Not very reassuring.

We're assuming Miss Badu won't need to rely on busking since she was recently named the new face of Givenchy.

Remember when Badu tried to kiss a news anchor during a live TV broadcast a few months ago?! We won't get into her lewd gestures and the fact that her actions could have been construed as sexual harassment.

Here are some recent poetic life affirmations from Badu. Quotation above via gawker.com.


–via huffingtonpost.com

–via gawker.com

–via interviewmagazine.com

–via interviewmagazine.com

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