Illustration by Bob AulThere has been more than enough hoopla over the construction of the 73 toll road. Get over it! We now have an eight-lane highway that slices drive times in half. I am one of those who take advantage of the toll road, dutifully paying $2.50 every time my car passes through the dreaded toll booth. But lately, I must admit, driving the toll road sickens me. You know those precious rabbits and rodents toll-road opponents were trying to save? They're now smeared all over the fresh tar. And when I say smeared, I mean splattered, mangled, obliterated. There is absolutely no sign of what the animal once was. So I've got to ask: What exactly are we paying for each time we pass through the dreaded toll booth? It certainly isn't going toward road cleanup. It has become so disgusting that I would be willing to grab a shovel and scrape up whatever it is off the road. The problem is I'd probably become the next victim of a speeding driver and would have to wait for someone else with a shovel to come scrape up whatever was left of me.
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