Writer-director Brian De Palma’s 1974 box office flop—a hybrid of Phantom of the Opera, Faust and The Picture of Dorian Gray—is one of the greatest rock musicals ever made. Filled with bohunk beach boys, a satanic record producer, a groovy damsel in distress, a beefy metalhead and a wimpy songwriter turned grotesque-revenge-killer, glam rock and camp rule in this warped tale of destructive love and deals with the devil. And songwriter Paul Williams pulled it all together with an iconic soundtrack that, even with low ticket sales, was nominated for an Oscar. Now’s your chance to see this schlocky, sexy, rock ‘n roll nightmare on the big screen, so don’t miss it—spandex and gore never looked, or sounded, so damn hot.
Wed., May 21, 7:30 p.m., 2014