The old saw may go, “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die,” but Laguna’s Pageant of the Masters omitted the phrase’s morbid bit in coining their 2010 theme. The “living pictures” this year will all pay homage to the age-old practice of partying it up. Over the years, the Pageant has perfected its recipe: gorgeous amphitheater nestled in Laguna Canyon; stellar professional orchestra; performers that seemingly never blink, breathe, or botch; hundreds of obsessed local volunteers; design and lighting system too complex to fathom; Morgan-Freeman-caliber narrator; food, booze, and gaiety. Pageant of the Masters boasts more critical acclaim than any other arts show in SoCal—arguably the nation. The show always concludes with a prolific rendering of Da Vinci’s Last Supper, but you’ll only betray yourself if you miss out.
July 14-Aug. 31, 8:30 p.m., 2010