Skip the neighborhood barbecues and overcrowded beaches and instead head over to the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater for a 4th of July holiday event of a different scale. The Pacific Symphony, Orange County's premiere symphony orchestra, presents a live concert featuring '90s kings of swing Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It's a little rock, a little swing and a whole lot of classical—clearly not your typical night at the symphony. Enjoy songs like “Go Daddy-O” and “Mr. Pinstripe Suit” plus American patriotic songs to sing along to, a special tribute to our armed forces, and to top it all off, a dazzling fireworks spectacle. Tickets start at just $25 ($17 for kids)—and it sure as hell beats cheap hot dogs and a sunburn.
Fri., July 4, 8 p.m., 2014