On the Line: Koa Duncan of Stax Cookie Bar, Part Two

Hey UCI students (and cookie monsters): Stax Cookie Bar is hiring! They will be accepting applications this Thursday and Friday and next Thursday, Friday and Saturday between the hours of 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Stop by 4255 Campus Drive, Suite 250 (above 24 Hour Fitness) to be considered.

Read the first part of our interview with Koa over here.
And now, let's continue with part two below . . .

Hardest lesson you've learned:
Trust your instincts. Listen to what they tell you, in any situation, anywhere.

When you're not in the cookie bar, what are you doing in your free time?
I love gardening with my daughter, collecting antiques and tending to my Etsy store, CakeBoxVintage.


What's the origin behind your name?
I was born in Hawaii. My parents loved it there, and gave me the best souvenir from our time there. It means brave, bold or fearless in Hawaiian.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Cupertino, California. My parents moved to Southern California when I started high school, and I attended Orange County School of the Arts back when it was still at Los Alamitos High School. Most recently, we moved down here to be closer to family.

Tell us something most people don't know about you.
Once upon a time, my Dad and I came in first at a classic yacht race [Editor's Note: In addition to sailing, camping is her favorite childhood memory.]

Last thing you looked up online:
How to replace a spigot; our hose in the backyard was leaking.

What did you study in school? Did you always plan on being a baker?
I studied art through school, and always wanted to be an artist.

Last book read; how was it?
I've been working my way through When You Are Engulfed In Flames by David Sedaris. His books are very entertaining. It's hard to find the time to read, so I pick it up when I can.

Do you have any skills that are not related to food?
I am also a mother, wife, handyperson, dog wrangler, vintage seller, jewelery maker, gardener and artist.

What would you be doing if you weren't in the industry?
Something artsy– graphic arts, makeup, costuming or design.

Stax Cookie Bar is opening this month at 4187 Campus Drive, #M174, Irvine; www.staxcookiebar.com.

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