Wednesday's Headlines. No Surprises: Lawsuit-happy in Newport

  • Terror test: Whatever you do, don't be on the 57 at 9:55 a.m. The Register reports that the freeway will be shut down near Katella Avenue for a bit while Angel Stadium goes through a terrorist attack simulation.
  • Living forever at Disney: Interesting story in the LAT today about the surreptitious scattering of human ashes at Disneyland.
  • Lawsuit-happy in Newport: The city of Newport Beach is suing two businesses for allegedly operating unlicensed group homes. Meanwhile, the Newport Beach Brewing Co. is suing the city of Newport Beach and the City Council over changes the city made to its operating conditions earlier in the year – some of which restrict liquor sales.
  • Not lost today: The Times' Orange County section is all OC today. Not one Sacramento or L.A. piece. It's nice when they keep us on the map.
  • Less writing, more “reality”: They took our housewives, now they want our lifeguards. Look out for “Ocean Force: Huntington Beach OC” featuring real lifeguards on Jan 1.

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