Wednesday's Headlines. No Surprises: California Adventure Sucks

  • Disney plans Extreme Makeover: California Adventure sucks, so Disney will be pouring $1.1 billion into the park to make it more like Disneyland. That's more than it took to build the park six years ago. The Times couldn't find any of the Mouse's people to go on the record, but notes that Chief Executive Bob Iger will be holding a news conference today to provide details. Other coverage: Register, LA Observed.
  • Teen hacker sics SWAT team on Lake Forest fam: Randall Ellis, a 19-year-old from Washington, allegedly hacked into the OC 911 system from his home, selected a random Lake Forest household and placed a false emergency call, prompting a fully armed response – helicopter, police dogs and all. Lt. Mike McHenry of the South County Investigations Bureau said this was a first for OC, but not for Ellis, who allegedly placed false calls in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Washington.
  • Calling off the anti-Semitic UCI probe: The Hillel Foundation of Orange County has decided to quit investigating alleged anti-Semitism at UC Irvine and plans to instead put its resources toward promoting Jewish life on campus, reports the Daily Pilot: “The foundation began investigating allegations at UCI in February after a number of incidents on campus, including Muslim students disturbing a lecture by Daniel Pipes, a Middle East scholar and defender of Israel.”
  • Mystic Max: “Max,” an ancient ancient South American crystal skull will be on display at The Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim from Oct. 19-21. The artifact supposedly has healing powers. Wanna see it? It'll cost ya $35-$50 for a private meditation session. Yeesh.
  • Today at 10 a.m.: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be in Santa Ana to talk about legislation he recently signed to strengthen DUI laws, increasing penalties for underage drinking violations.

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