Wax On, Wax Off: Japanese Motors Head for Portland's Garage Fest

Ok, so it's not exactly news that's happening in Orange County, but it certainly involves surfers who live and surf in Orange County. We at Wax On, Wax Off sort of tend to stalk the Japanese Motors a bit, no matter where they might be. They're right up there as one of our favorite non-surf-band bands of surfers. Guitarist Nolan Hall, along with drummer Andrew Atkinson and bassist Nick Soderberg, are headed to Portland via plane this afternoon to play at tomorrow's Scion Garage Fest. Al Knost will be meeting them there, driving from an undisclosed location. 


​Along with the Japanese Motors at the Garage Fest will be Harlem, a band that has drawn big crowds playing at Orange County's Detroit Bar and recently recorded at The Distillery, a well-known, dingy underground studio in Costa Mesa. The event is sponsored by Scion and by Vice, the Motors' record label. A whopping line-up of names big and small totaling about forty bands will play at four venues in the city. 
The Motors say they'll try to surf with some friends up there…but in the end, they're not sure if it's going to work out. Fresh from their tour with The Horrors and still working on their highly anticipated second album, the band is looking forward to the Portland scene. The usually gray, dismal city on the Willamette Columbia Rivers is expected to have beautiful weather. Who knows, maybe some of us need a break from the OC. The Garage Fest has long been noted for its unique underground appeal and awesome lineup of bands. Portland itself has been home to iconic bands like The Shins and Modest Mouse. In fact, the latter brought the Motors on their tour earlier this year. If you're looking to skip town on short notice and go to a place where you're sure to see familiar faces, this might be one of the best opportunities you'll get. On the other hand, the waves are good and the weather is hot in our hometown this weekend, too…

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