Ashton Hurley (son of Ryan, grandson of Bob) was one of the stoked Orange County groms who surfed in the kids contest yesterday at the Rob Machado Surf Experience and Green Expo that happened in Cardiff this past weekend. At 5 years old, he's already charging head-high (for him) waves, making clean turns and hitting the lip. We got a chance to catch up with Ashton and ask him a few questions about the contest, his surfing, and his friends.
OC Weekly: So let's start with your favorite wave of the day. Tell me about it.
Ashton Hurley: Ok Ok! I was going backside and then i kinda bottomed out, like a second drop. And I cut back and hit the whitewater–boom!
OCW: Who did you see there? Lots of your friends?
AH: Rob Machado was there. My friend Mason was there too. He's good. And Jamo. He's two.
OCW: Do you like seeing Rob? Is he the coolest?
AH: Hmm. I don't know. He surfs good. He brought his Alai'a. But he kept squeezing my shoulders alot.
OCW: Do you remember any other really cool waves from yesterday?
AH: Mason was going down the line and he caught air and went like this…[tumbling motions] in the wave. He made his next air. It was like a backside air reverse.
OCW: DO you charge big waves?
AH: Mason was bottom turning on the outside. I like to go out there. I like taking waves out there, but not in San DIego. Tooooooo big!
OCW: What board are you riding these days?
AH: It's at my grandpas's house right now. It doesn't work for my dad very good, but it works good for me. Narrow nose, about up to here…[as high as he can reach]
OCW: SO what's your favorite thing about contests?
AH: Seeing my firends. Seeing Rob.
OCW: What move are you working on?
AH: 180 floater into fakie.