Wax On, Wax Off: California Surf Film Festival in Oceanside

This weekend, Wax On, Wax Off is heading to Oceanside to cover the California Surf Film Festival, presented by Fuel TV.

Starting last night, the four-day weekend extravaganza will include live music, film screenings, awards and appearances by VIPs from the surfing world.
Last Night's “Evening with Nat Young,” where the World Champ gave a presentation and signed copies of his book, kicked off the event.

The film screenings start today, and are spread over three different venues in Oceanside. The festival is presenting twelve full-length features, including such recent favorites as The Drifter, Sea of Darkness, High Water and more. A series of short films will also be screened alongside the features.

A VIP reception and live performance with Jake Shimabukuro will kick off today's festivities, concurrent with several screenings beginning at six. Saturday holds the bulk of the film screenings, along with a celebration of Surf Magazine's 50th anniversary. The entire extravaganza ends on sunday with an awards ceremony.For ticketing and scheduling info, check out www.californiasurffestival.com. This is a rare event with a special significance to surf culture in Southern California. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, you won't be disappointed in the lineup of films and events. And of course we all love to head down and surf that beach break by the pier once in awhile, or the south jetty when it's good. With these little combo swells expected to continue, it might be worth bringing your board.

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