Tuesday's Headlines. No Surprises: More war money for Costa Mesa

  • Janet Nguyen to pay up: OC's newest supervisor recently admitted to collecting funds above the legal limit in the last election and trying to avoid disclosing them. Nguyen has agreed to pay $5,000 to settle state and county investigations into a legal-defense fun she improperly set up (and made $12,500 in donations with) — improper because such funds aren't allowed for county candidates, reports Martin Wisckol at the Reg.
  • It's raining war cash: Ceradyne Inc., which manufactures ceramic body armor out of Costa Mesa, has won a $107-million contract from the Army for plates to be used in protective vests, reports the Daily Pilot.
  • New disciplinary tactics at Brea school: Brian Christopher Wilcher, a teacher at Brea Junior High has been arrested for allegedly threatening to kill a disruptive seventh grader. The cops say that Wilcher told a 12-year-old boy “something to the effect that 'next semester you'd better find another teacher because if you're in my class I'm going to kill you.' ”
  • Supposed police informant kidnapped, beaten: Kamran Mashayekhi, a 66-year-old chauffeur who says he's helped the Anaheim police solve crimes by passing along tidbits overheard from the backseat, says he was kidnapped and bludgeoned for his trouble. The cops would not confirm that Mashayekhi was their man, but arrested Gilbert Carrillo of Buena Park Monday on charges of robbing and imprisoning Mashayekhi. “You help the police and when they are done with you, they wash you off,” Mashayekhi told the Times.

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