Tuesday's Headlines. No Surprises: More Street dirt

  • More Street dirt: In his pre-treasurer-tax collector days, Chriss Street allegedly billed (and double-billed!) a bankrupt trust “for thousands of dollars in expenses, including a $3,584 laptop computer and $1,200 in office supplies,” reports Ronald Campbell at the Register. The records collected by The End of the Road Trust show that Street charged thousands more for trips, gourmet meals and a personal trainer. The trust is suing Street for $7 million.
  • Eagle eye Amormino: Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino was standing outside a Laguna Hills condominium complex where a rape took place with a group of reporters Monday, telling those gathered that authorities were looking for a guy in a light-colored Ford Explorer. Just then, the Ford in question drove around the block. Amormino took down the license plate and the guy's been taken in for questioning. Too easy.
  • It's a bird, it's a plane, it's. . .FEMA? The Federal Emergency Management Agency has been an unlikely savior for some 1,857 fire victims in Southern California, issuing grants (up to $28,800) to the uninsured, elderly, disabled and those on fixed incomes, reports the Times. After the bad rap it got after Katrina, it's no surprise, but we're not complaining.
  • Over in Long Beach: Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist and San Diego immigrant-rights advocate Enrique Morones will debate at CSULB today at 11 a.m. on the lawn outside University Student Union Beach Auditorium.

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