Thursday's Headlines. No Surprises: Nice try, Debbie

  • Story of the day goes to Christian Berthelsen at the Times for his piece on Chriss Street:

    “In 1994, Chriss Street was hailed as a hero for helping to blow the whistle on high-risk holdings in Orange County's investment portfolio, presaging the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. But now, in his year-old role as the county's treasurer, Street finds himself in the awkward position of having to defend some of his investment decisions. Street made a startling presentation to the Orange County Board of Supervisors this week, warning that $460 million in debt securities the county holds face a potential credit-rating downgrade — raising the possibility that the county could lose money on them. . .”

    We especially like the way Berthelsen set the scene at this week's Board of Supes meeting, with Street making like a gadfly and presenting during the public comment session.

  • Nice try, Debbie: Over at Total Buzz, Peggy Lowe reports that the feds have filed a motion against Mrs. Carona's attempt to escape the case against her husband. The sheriff's wife wanted more information in order to begin “extricating” herself from the indictment, but the feds aren't giving her any of that. U.S. Attorney Brett Sagel says she’s been “'fully and fairly' apprised of the charges she faces.”
  • Anaheim abandons the dream? The LAT reports that Anaheim is selling the large chunk of city-owned land in the Angel Stadium parking lot that was being eyed as a possible home for a SoCal NFL team.
  • Weird new-ish Register blog: Have the folks at the Reg become so indecisive about what goes on page one? Apparently, mid-November they launched a blog called the “Front Page” where readers can vote for stories they'd like to see the next day. Doesn't appear to be too popular, though, if the number of voters (or lack thereof) is any indication. . .

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