Santa Ana Judge Spikes Orly Taitz Lawsuit, Again

Late Friday afternoon, Judge David O. Carter passed down his judgment on Orly Taitz's Barnett v. Obama lawsuit: denied. Again!

Taitz had filed a motion for reconsideration of Carter's earlier dismissal. The motion–and a follow-up filing–accused Carter of hiring a clerk with ties to Obama, rehashed most of the debunked eligibility arguments, implied that Carter was implicit in the Fort Hood shootings, and presented a new piece of “evidence”: a printout, supposedly from some immigration database, showing Obama's “ethnic region” as Equatorial Guinea.

Carter's response was uncharacteristically curt. After all, this is the judge that allowed Taitz and her co-counsel to ramble for hours in court and that dismissed her case with a 30 page ruling. Here's the basic reason Taitz likely won't be showing up at Ronald Reagan Federal Buliding and Courthouse in Santa Ana for this lawsuit ever again:

After reviewing the moving and opposing papers, the Court finds no
factual, legal, or bias grounds upon which to grant the motion for

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