Orly Taitz and Barbara Coe, Together Again

Well, this isn't shocking. Laguna Niguel's Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq., the key anti-Obama lawyer that has had every single one of her lawsuits challenging the President's eligibility dismissed, will be speaking at an upcoming meeting of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform.

You remember CCIR, Gustavo's favorite bashers of Mexicans, Muslims, gays, vaccines and reality. It's actually where Taitz first met Rev. Wiley Drake, one of the first plaintiffs in her lawsuits (they've since become estranged, most likely — depending on who you ask — because Drake is secretly working for Obama… or Taitz is). CCIR chief mistress Barbara Coe is on record as a birther and Obama-is-worse-than-Hitler proselytizer. So this really is a perfect pairing.

What's Taitz gonna talk about at the Nov. 25 meeting in Garden Grove? Coe was nice enough to write Taitz a letter that the good dentist then reproduced on her blog:


Dear Dr Taitz:

We are thrilled by your acceptance of our invitation to be our
honored keynote speaker at our November meeting! Below is detailed
meeting data:

The date is Wednesday, November 25, 2009. The location is the Garden Grove Women's Club, 9501 Chapman Avenue (at Gilbert), Garden Grove, CA 92841.

The meeting starts at 7:30 PM. I will introduce you at approximately

8:00 PM. Your presentation can be up to 40 minutes. We then open the floor for questions from our attendees.

We hope you will share with us a candid overview of the current
legal situation and most importantly, how we, as citizens can more
effectively support YOUR efforts to insure the fraud Obama is removed
from the office of President of the United States.

There will be a head table set up at the front of the meeting room
and you are welcome (and encouraged) to bring as much of your
literature as you wish.

Again, many thanks for accepting our invitation! Our members are looking forward to meeting, greeting and chatting with you.


Barbara Coe


Taitz's minions will be protesting Bill O'Reilly in New York City next week. Will Bill be protesting her continued and public lying on Nov. 25? Better show up to find out.

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