Los Alamitos Meeting Might Help Fight Racist Rep

The Orange County Human Relations Commission and the Anti-Defamation League have arranged a meeting with Los Alamitos residents tonight, to figure out how to be safe in light of hate activity in the city. The meeting's at 6 p.m., 4000 Farquhar Ave.

The incident spurring the meeting is the vandalizing of the minivan of a white woman with black children. Her car was spray painted all over with swastikas and epithets back in April.

And the Register has a run down of other recent hate-crime-esque activities in and around Los Al, including sidewalk chalkings and the beating of a half-Salvadoran man.

But the article doesn't mention that the famous, stupid racist incident in the small north-OC city earlier this year. That would be, of course, Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grouse sending a White House/watermelon patch joke (pictured) to a black acquaintance. Grouse claimed at the time that he had no idea that watermelons came with racial connotations, in which case he's a drooling idiot instead of a bigot — not for being ignorant, but for forwarding an email that in no way makes sense without understanding the racial subtext.

Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, et al.: Watch out. Los Alamitos may be small, but its white supremacy nonsense quotient might best yours in time.

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