Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or send to Letters to the Editor, c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.
[In the Jan. 12 story “They're All My Friends and I'm a Swinger,” R. Scott Moxley reports on the alleged prostitution ring run by Laguna Niguel computer entrepreneur Eric Paul Anderson and his wife.] The best observation about this undercover prostitution sting in Orange County is: another thriving business ruined by the state.
Via e-mail
Great article . . . should have headlined it “I love you long time.”
Via e-mail
Oh, lord, has it really come to this [Tom Child's “Sty Life,” Jan. 19]? I knew that your paper's coverage of our county's truly exciting theater scene had severely declined over the last few years, but I never thought it would sink to this level. Tom Child's under-analysis of Pig Farm at SCR was the most lackluster piece of criticism I've seen grace the pages of this paper. If your staff is only reviewing one play a week nowadays, couldn't you at least make it remotely witty, insightful or for Mike's sake passionate? Orange County is supposed to be the culturally retarded brother of Los Angeles, and yet there are several exciting places where the quality of artistic expression rivals that of any other region in the state. Look at Rude Guerrilla, Hunger Artists, Stages, the Maverick Theater, etc. All of these theaters go out of their way to present something new and fresh to the hip, politically active, socially aware crowd that you claim to target. And yet these places have been ignored by their cities and countless theater patrons, simply because they choose to elevate the level of culture in Orange County rather than make a buck. If you cannot respect that, then I have two suggestions for you: either surround yourself with people who can, or just admit that you don't give a shit and pull all theater coverage. Because, trust me, these half-assed, lazy articles that I've been reading from the Weekly have only been making this county's theater scene seem more boring than it really is.
Stephanie Kensington
Unfortunately, no matter how sharp your prose, how smooth your sentences, how wittily you create imagery, there's a huge segment out there that does not get sarcasm [Gustavo Arellano's “Ask a Lawsuit,” Jan. 5]. Now, had Diefenbach lived in Australia or even that pale imitation, the UK, they would've understood that Ask a Mexican! and its depictions of all things Mexican were “taking the piss out of you.” But no, this is the USA. We don't do satire, thank you. We are very serious, thank you. But next time you have a good fart joke we will laugh like hell.
Via e-mail
The following letters pertain to Dave Wielenga's Jan. 12 story “Sleaze City,” which questioned Huntington Beach City Councilman Joe Carchio's credibility.
Kudos to the OC Weekly for the excellent expos on newly elected Huntington Beach City Councilman Joe Carchio. As for Carchio claiming that ex-Mayor and current felon Dave Garafalo is merely an acquaintance, well that's just plain ludicrous. I live two short blocks from Jersey Joe's (Carchio's restaurant) and I've seen Garafalo there so many times that I was beginning to wonder if he was an employee. Unfortunately, I had to read the Carchio article on my computer. It seems that all of the copies of the OC Weekly set out in front of the downtown post office at Main and Olive mysteriously disappeared within a few hours of hitting the news rack! Imagine that! And that news rack is less than one block from Carchio's restaurant!
Michael Wazowski
Via e-mail
We believe your front page words “Sleaze City” give your readers an unfair and negative impression of the fine and outstanding city of Huntington Beach.
Ed Kerins
President Huntington Beach Tomorrow
Via e-mail
I am a Republican and the media doesn't look too kind on my kind, but I have to agree with you 100 percent on Joe Carchio. This guy is a joke and I'm ashamed that he's in my party. I'm not the only one who feels this way. If he's going to be making decisions for the people of this city, don't you think he should at least do some research? I mean, the guy just took people on their word? What the hell is that? I can only hope that the people of this great town open their eyes. Geez, Joe, if “they” told you to jump off a bridge, would ya???
Via e-mail
Editor's note: To remain clear of any potential lawsuit(s), we felt compelled to extract a few of the accusations in the following letter regarding Joe Carchio. For a rip-roaring good time, think of it as our version of Mad Libs!
Your article on the Huntington Beach councilman was great. I work for a restaurant supply warehouse in Fountain Valley and he is a daily customer of ours—and a daily pain in the ass. We've caught him [deleted], shoving [deleted], and [deleted]. All kinds of good stuff that makes him a perfect councilman. He's also disputed invoices the same way that he's trying to fight the government bill of $50k—”It must be a mistake.” Between his [gone], his [and gone!], and his [sorry, here too], I'm surprised he can even pass a [this too must go!]. We've been passing out OC Weekly at work since Friday morning. It's great, thanks!
Via e-mail