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More reaction to our March 23 capsule review of the filmJourney from the Fall.

Thanks, Mr. Scott Foundas, for the review of the movie Journey from the Fall, but I think it will be more appreciated if Mr. Foundas can point out which scenes in the movie are not true. Maybe Mr. Foundas was born in Vietnam so he knows what was going there after 1975—otherwise, Mr. Foundas is a phony movie reviewer or even a phony reporter.
Phu Tran
via e-mail

[Foundas should] please do some research and maybe even personal interviews before he writes his opinions on what happened and what's right or wrong.
Tuan Nguyen
via e-mail

Scott uses the word “phony” in the end, what does it mean? Is the movie story phony? It is not right to use the word phony; the events in the movies happened in reality. They are real events. Scott, if you're reading this, may I suggest you to do some research about Vietnam during the early year of 1975 and after that. OC Weekly, please ensure you have educated writers in the topics they're writing, as this is an example will cause your company to have a bad reputation.
Thong Tran
via e-mail

Obviously, [Foundas] has very little knowledge of what was going on in Vietnam since the fall of South Vietnam. Soldiers were fighting until their ammo ran out. Many even chose death over being captured by the Communists. After the fall, South Vietnamese soldiers and officers were sent to the so-called “re-education camp.” They were told it would be for only 10 days, but the truth is people were sent away for years. My dad was one of those. Next time, do some research before putting your foot in your mouth.
Thuan Tran
via e-mail

Propaganda plays no role in this film. That is the difference between movies in our country compared with the movies in the communist countries. Mr. Scott Foundas should not make an ignorant criticism, as he does not know anything about the communists. Scott could say whatever he thinks because this is a free country, but the Vietnamese community should send a united message to the OC Weekly about such published criticisms.
Tam Ngo
via e-mail

I am really outraged and annoyed by your review about this movie being phony. How is it phony? You should back up your statement and PLEASE DO MORE RESEARCH. You could say this movie was poorly directed, too long, etc.—but you should not say that it is phony. Where are your facts? This movie reminded me—and maybe others—of how grateful I am to be an American because of the struggles we went through to reach freedom. Next time you make this kind of comment, at least have some facts to back it up.
Sydney Bui
via e-mail

I am a VM Army captain, doctor, and former prisoner of the “re-education camp,” as well as a former U.S. Air Force Captain MC. If Mr. Scott Foundas thinks the director of Journey from the Fall exaggerated the facts and the film is unrepentantly counter-revolutionary, I invite him to meet me, and we will discuss the facts. Where was he in 1975? Did he ever visit a labor camp? Did he ever see my friends die in labor camps? Mr. Foundas, talk about the new Clint Eastwood film [instead].
Thuan Lai, M.D.
via e-mail

This is a silly comment about this movie. After I read this article, I strongly believe the writer has no knowledge about anything about Vietnam/Viet Cong. Please don't fool yourself.
Dung Nguyen
via e-mail

The following letter concerns Gustavo Arellano's April 12 story, “Doheny Dumps,” which was about Mexican day laborers who, uh, defecate in the streets of Dana Point.

I am quite appalled at the racist sentiments of this article—so first off, do some research. I am sure there are plenty of other things you can write about; don't be so lazy. Second, the city should get public restrooms or an area for the day laborers to hang out, like Laguna Beach has. Preventing them from being able to earn money is going to do two things: 1) It will increase illegal activity because these people—yes, PEOPLE—need to make a living. 2) Who is going to do all the work that needs to be done in this city? Who's going to clean the weeds, mow lawns, clean the trash, and do all the other demeaning shit jobs you won't do? And when I say “you,” I am referring to white America. I purposely left that “white” uncapitalized.
Chris Garcia
via e-mail


This next letter is in regard to Stan Brin's March 22 follow-up toThe Ticket Wizard, in which Brin reports that parking tickets are now being handled by a mysterious OC company that makes both justice and the law disappear.

I would like your help in getting these “parking ticket Nazis” back in touch with reality. I, too, have appealed three parking tickets that I had received (parked more than 72 hours) in between stays at the hospital. If you can find out where I need to focus, so I can get started on another written appeal, I would love you forever. (Not really—that's just a saying.) Unless you're kinda weird that way, in which case, sure, yeah, forever. . . .
Joanna C. Rollins
via e-mail

I was surprised to read that you would like to avoid watching my film, Finding Kraftland, at the upcoming Newport Beach International Film Festival like the plague [Luke Y. Thompson's “Twelve Films I'm Excited to See (And eight I plan to avoid like the plague),” April 12]. As the co-director of this good-natured documentary about the relationship between my son and myself as we travel the world riding roller coasters and collecting pieces of Disneyland and other American pop culture, it is interesting to note that the dread of spending 65 minutes watching my film is in the same league as locusts and boils—rivers of blood I can understand. While it may not be Citizen Kane, I personally guarantee you it is at least better than death to the firstborn.
Richard Kraft
Co-director, Finding Kraftland

The following regards Seven MacDonald's March 23 story, “You're On With Jesus,” on Neil Saavedra, who masquerades as Jesus Christ on his KFI radio talk show.

I appreciated your article on the “Jesus Christ Show.” Thank you.
Bruce McAllister
via e-mail

This author is a horrid person [Nick Schou's “A Higher Fire Power,” July 1, 1999]. He believes that California's gun-control laws are leaky! California has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the United States. Gun-control laws do not cut down on gun crimes; they encourage them. By limiting who can have guns, you are limiting the rights of good citizens and violating their Second Amendment rights. The criminals do not get their guns legally; they get them illegally, so gun control will not effect them. It has been shown that where draconian gun laws have been enforced, crime has skyrocketed. I cite England and Australia as examples. Please, when thinking about gun laws, remember that it only hurts law-abiding citizens.
John McAdams
via e-mail

Please thank Matt Coker for writing that review of my film [“Soup Dreams,” April 12]. It was no-holds-barred, but he did give me a lot of credit, and I really appreciate it. That review will help pack the theater. Thanks.
Angelo Mei
via e-mail

I seem to remember [John] Wayne's character in Sands of Iwo Jima as a U.S. Marine, not Army as stated in the article [Matt Coker, “John Wayne Is Orange County,” April 12]. It's a small thing, but as a former Marine, it's something that stands out. Otherwise, it was a good article.
Jeff Cox
via e-mail

Editor's note: He's right. The Weekly regrets the error.

This next letter concerns Gustavo Arellano's April 12 Ask a Mexican!™ column, in which he gives advice to a reader who is concerned he has married into his spouse's family.

Damn, ain't that the truth. My daughter married a Mexican from San Luis Potesi, and we really did marry the family. We've given up setting the table for family dinners. Who knows how many will show up? At first, it's tough. Adjusting to a different culture is like that. But hey, we now like it. And it makes wonderful stories for all our gabacho friends.
Jim Barlow
via e-mail

The last few lines of last week's cover story, Nick Schou's “So I Married a Terrorist,” were inadvertently left out of the print edition of the Weekly. The story should have ended with this quote from Saraah Olson: “It's better that way. If I get killed and they try to fly my body back to Washington, it's going to be hell.” The Weekly regrets the error.


In last week's Arts section story about Germs drummer Don Bolles [Greg Stacy's “Don Bolles Keeps His Nose Clean“] references to a “protective/stay-away order” or “stay-away order” between Bolles and his girlfriend Cat Scandal should have read, “amicable restraining order.” The Weekly regrets the error.

OC Weekly has a few part-time positions open. We're looking for a couple of freelance writers: one who is knowledgeable about visual art and can describe it for readers in a way that is understandable, entertaining and unpretentious; and another who has a passion for good food and good writing and has more than a passing acquaintance with the Orange County food scene. Arts and food writer candidates should send a cover letter, rsum and writing samples to Ted B. Kissell, editor, OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701-7417. No phone calls, please.

We are also looking for a dependable, experienced proofreader for part-time, weekend proofing. A rigorous test covering spelling, grammar, word usage, punctuation and style will be given to qualified candidates. Potential proofreaders should contact Erich Burnett at Village Voice Media, 1468 W. Ninth St., Ste. 805, Cleveland, OH 44113. E-mail


. Yet again, no phone calls.

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