
Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or mail to Letters to the Editor, c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.


The following letters are in response to Vickie Chang's July 19 edition of Trendzilla, which tells us all why it's cool to rock the Harry Potter gear and geek out on books.

THIS ARTICLE ROCKS! Granted it is about my little sister, but I can still be happy, right? Just wanted to say thanks to you guys over there at the OC Weekly for a great article! Keep up all the great work!

via e-mail

“In a society in which it's cool to feign jadedness, it's encouraging that people can still get excited and creative about something—anything—these days. Especially books.”

Damn straight! I Just wanted to thank you for defending us. (I'm the Slytherin on the left, by the way.) I am definitely saving this article and that picture! Otaku chikara! Otaku power!

via e-mail

The following letters are in regard to the July 19 feature, “Soil to Soul,” by Gustavo Arellano and Edwin Goei, discussing OC chefs who serve locally grown and organic food.

THANKS for all your great food articles! Well-written, too. We're fairly new to California, so this article really helps.

Doug Kresse
via e-mail

Why didn't you do this ages ago? Before I moved away? Good job!

Karen Lyons-McGann
via e-mail


I can't thank you enough for the This Hole-In-the-Wall Life pieces. I have been making the rounds lately, thanking the crew over at the Weekly for their work, Nick Schou and R. Scott Moxley (Moxley kept me in the loop in the Jacob Anthony Rump and Michael Allan Lamb trials; I love to see crackers like that put in their rightful place). However, I have for reasons beyond my control neglected to thank Gustavo Arellano. I figure it's because my fingers are deep into whatever meal he recommended from whatever unknown gem he wrote about this week. One of my most recent favorites has been Lucia's Mulitas. I live about a block away from the place, and I swear by it now. In fact, I have been dragging willing (and some unwilling) friends in there to try the food out. Keep the good stuff coming.


The following letters are in response to R. Scott Moxley's July 12 article, “Who Is This Jerk-Off?“—outlining the tale of a public masturbator extraordinaire named Nizameddine Hassan Chokr, who blames his woes on the women of Orange County and their amorous ways.

From the article: “Chokr recalls, for example, his 4 a.m., August 2005 experience at Jax Donuts in Orange: He had been enjoying a snack of a croissant and milk while he waited to catch a bus. The middle-aged female cashier couldn't control her passion, engaged him in sex talk, and then ignored his protests. She reached for his pants, unzipped him, grabbed his erection and began stroking wildly.”

Uh, I've been in Orange County for 27 years, and as far as I know, OCTA buses don't run at 4 in the morning. Too bad this moron didn't know that!

You are brilliant! My friends and I are thoroughly entertained and moved by your article about Mr. Chokr's victimization. We are so moved, in fact, that we are launching a “Free Chokr” campaign. T-shirts are being printed as we speak. Ballcaps will bear the insignia EHW (evil horny women). Thank you for bringing Mr. Chokr's plight to our attention. We feel it is our duty to right this most egregious wrong.


As a 40-plus-year fan of the Psychedelic Furs, the Fixx and (to a much lesser extent) the Alarm, your article [Ned Raggett's “All of This and Nothing,” July 12] hit the bulls-eye for me. I readily admit the musical zenith, for me, was in the late '80s/early '90s. The reunion of the Pixies in '05 was my Beatles reunion! If Joe Strummer were still alive, and the sounds of a Jaguar commercial for “London Calling” could be erased from my mind, I'd be the first in line for a Clash reunion tour.

Your description of this tour really captured the essence of what we're going through: “gentle applause” for new songs, “rock as kabuki, familiar stories, warm memories and polite thanks from the stage.” A perfect description of what we all, maybe unknowingly, come for. Nicely done.


Thank you for the lovely article on Funk/Rock Queen Betty Davis [Dave Segal's “Fierce Ruling Diva ,” June 14]. I am from Brooklyn, New York, and when I was growing up, I remember men mostly who were teenagers when Davis first burst on the scene raving about her songwriting ability as funky as hell! Not to mention the obvious fact that she was sexy and independent, they were wildly drawn to her fire like moths to a flame. I remember my parents buying her albums and my mother dirty dancing. She would play her self-titled “Betty Davis” album over and over all day. It was amazing to listen to this woman as a child and now with the re-releasing of her music on CD, now I am able to, like my mother, play her music and share it with my daughter. Again, thanks for the great article on such a trail-blazing artist.

The following letter concerns Nick Schou's July 19 article, “Mission Implausible ,” outlining the CIA's denial of any knowledge of the alleged plot against Laos by Vang Pao and others.

This is a good article that addresses a very important issue. Another important topic is how the U.S. government broke the Neutrality Act themselves first, by arming Vang Pao in Vietnam and Laos. Examine the U.S. government in the Secret War, the laws they broke to conduct the war. Something like that would be very interesting to read.


Why did you change the movie guide of the calendar to exclude certain geographical areas (i.e., Long Beach)? You had an excellent movie guide prior to this change. It is doubtful the change is saving you significant money.

If Long Beach is now being excluded because it is not located in Orange County, then why is OC Weekly still distributed here? Either cease and desist the distribution here, or return to the previous format and include Long Beach in your movie guide.

What happened with the movie listings for various locations throughout OC? This sucks.

An editor responds:
Due to space constraints and the easy availability of movie times via other media (e.g., the Web, other papers and the always enthusiastic Mr. Moviefone), we decided to limit our show times to select Orange County theaters.

Besides, we figured you were all just downloading bootlegs anyway.

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