
Letters may be edited for clarity and length. E-mail to le*****@oc******.com, or mail to Letters to the Editor, c/o OC Weekly, 1666 N. Main St., Ste. 500, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Or fax to (714) 550-5908.


That was one mean and awful article [Rich Kane's “'Only in New Jersey!' And other important 'local' stories on Daybreak OC,” Oct. 5]!! You should be ashamed. How can you put down Daybreak OC? Let's not forget you are part of Orange County! Your putting down that show will devalue all Orange County publications.

Your newspaper is no LA Times, OC Register, or Washington Post!! Instead of you being classy about what is wrong with the station, you seem to be pretty harsh toward the male anchor at Daybreak. He seems to do well.

I'm in the Los Angeles news business, and I tell you there is a lot of pressure in TV news, let alone starting a network from scratch. I could say the La Palma package was not that good, but Pete, Nancy and Judy are solid, and they are doing great. Plus, the show promised world headlines as well as local news. So it does what it promised it would.

To me, it seems like you have a problem with the anchor more than you do the other reporters/anchors or the show itself. Hmmm . . . jealous?

I won't be reading your stupid OC Weekly, and I'll make sure to tell others not to.

I'll make sure the folks over at Daybreak will read this article, but I hope they will advertise on their morning show how awful OC Weekly depicts Orange County. Daybreak is supposed to be for the people of OC, and writing things about their morning news show means you are disrespecting the whole county and its residents. Nice going.

OC Weekly is a stupid tabloid for journalists/writers who could never make it to a real newspaper!
via e-mail

This letter pertains to Gustavo Arellano's Jan. 13, 2005, ¡Ask a Mexican!—which inquires about why Mexican girls are so beautiful when they are teenagers, then over the years, they become fat, old bags.

Right on! Let's get to the root of the matter. Flab may be unsightly, but certainly not as ugly as the mental-attitude ugliness and spiritual ugliness so proudly worn by some who possess incredible physical beauty. I'll take a flabby woman with a heart of gold over a beauty queen with an attitude any day!
Eric Wilson
via e-mail

This letter concerns Gustavo Arellano's Sept. 28 story, “Bad Moves,” about the Diocese of Orange's sex-abuse scandal.

Another groundbreaking article by Gustavo Arellano. Of course, the more he uncovers, the more it validates the thankless work and investigation by people such as SNAP (Mary Grant and Joelle Casteix come to mind locally). They were right all along! The amount of humiliation these victims suffered at the hands of people such as [Bishop Tod D.] Brown, [Cardinal Roger] Mahony and the late Pope John Paul is just coming to light.

But out of all this comes another dark chapter. Where are these molesters now? Well, many are still on the church payroll, and some are in child-supervisory positions. And, of course, where is the flock? How anyone can give money to this church is mind-blowing. They do talk about Jesus in other churches you know! You might want your Catholic friends to know that their money goes to molesting priests, defense funds and lawyers. God doesn't get a dime.
Tim C. Leedom
via e-mail

The following letter is in response to our 2007 Best of OC issue, published Sept. 21.

In response to Best Hiking Trail, Orange County has many great trails. The Pecten Reef Loop is not one of the best in Aliso/Wood Canyons Park, but it is fun and very accessible.
Daryl Walzak
via e-mail


I was reading the Sept. 7 issue of OC Weekly, when I came across that week's “It's Your Money” [by R. Scott Moxley] discussing how the Orange County Cemetery District spent $100,000 to have a map made of their district. I guess this adds new meaning to the expression “Knowing where all the bodies are buried.”

Ah, yes, I can just see it now: A dead wife nags her dead husband with “Honey, I think we're lost! Quick, give me the Orange County Cemetery District map—that way, I can find out where we are!”
Bob Squalonero
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The following letters are in regard to Daffodil J. Altan's Oct. 5 article “Hard Knocks,” about the turbulent Capistrano Unified School District.

Daffodil Altan is a great writer! I really enjoyed her summary of events and facts. It really brought to life the struggles of all those involved in fighting the “old guard” board of trustees of CUSD.
Sharon O'Brien
via e-mail

Congrats to Daffodil for writing this piece—she obviously did a huge amount of research and put a great deal of effort into it. She got the facts, wrote well, and the article is very informative for those of us who live in CUSD to see the history set out so clearly.

Thank you to OC Weekly for letting your journalists spend time writing on this issue. Please send Daffodil to more CUSD board meetings.
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Daffodil just helped the OC Republican Party and the Education Alliance in their efforts to take over the school board of Capistrano Unified. I expect more from OC Weekly. How about following the money? There is another side to the story, which Daffodil didn't bother to investigate. Now, how about investigating the real story of an orchestrated Republican and Education Alliance takeover of a school board?
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I have a theory that the Lord blesses the cause of the Mexican because, by sheer volume, they have more fresh guardian angels on their side. But guess who has more. After Mexico has conquered “Azatlan” [sic], and I assume they mean the American kingdom Babylon, they will find they've only gotten a foot in the door for their distant cousins, the Chinese, who will outrun America and then Mexico because Mexicans also have the curse of Rome in their blood. They will find their fortunes sinking like the golden galleons of old, como de costumbre.

The following letter pertains to R. Scott Moxley's Feb. 9 article, “Illegally Park-ed,” about on-duty Irvine police officer David Alex Park ejaculating on a motorist during an early-morning traffic stop and escaping criminal liability.

I think that policeman should have gone to jail. This is bullshit! What he did to that young lady was awful. She did not want to have sex with him! If you ask me, that man is fucking nasty.
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