Judge To Orly Taitz: I Think You Owe Me $10,000

Laguna Niguel's best Obama-suer, Dr. Orly Taitz, has been tearing through headlines this week. The latest development: After accusing a judge of treason and petitioning to reverse his decision, that judge has asked Taitz why he should not fine her $10,000.

The order from Georgia federal district judge Clay Lands is here (courtesy of Politijab Orly watcher Bob Haggard). It opens with a Yogi Berra quote, takes Taitz's motion for reconsideration point-by-point, and then orders her to show cause for why he shouldn't place monetary sanctions on her for “frivolous” fillings. In his ruling earlier this week, Lands tossed out Taitz's case on behalf of army flight surgeon Capt. Connie Rhodes, who objected to her deployment in Iraq on the basis of her belief that Obama isn't president. Lands's ruling referenced Alice in Wonderland and warned Taitz that there would be consequences if she filed again.

The latest order from Lands mentions that Taitz has accused him of treason. Indeed, she's said a lot of things about Lands: “somebody should consider trying [the judge] for treason and aiding and
abetting this massive fraud known as Barack Hussein Obama,” was how she put it to Talking Points Memo. And on her blog, she has highlighted comments from followers making physical threats against the judge. That'd all be fine, Lands says, if she'd keep it out of her court fililngs: “Although the First Amendment may allow Plaintiff's counsel to make these wild accusations on her blog or in her press conferences, the federal courts are reserved for hearing genuine legal disputes…”

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