In Case the New Miss California Can't Cut It…

Those skinny pageant girls are getting to be such a bore. Miss California was apparently fired today not for the fake boobs or naked pics or anti-gay marriage comments, but because little Miss Priss didn't want to do what she was told (even if it's for the other stuff, this is the official reason Trump's people gave). If there's one thing Frida Marin can pull off that Carrie Prejean apparently couldn't, it's the simple task of following her pageant
contract instructions.

If Miss California first runner-up Tami Farrell, who will now take the crown, can't fulfill her duties for any reason, we suggest Donald Trump take a good, hard look at the lovely Frida Marin, a Queen's queen who's open about her fake boobs, is against indecent exposure (and would never pose naked for any pictures), and who has no qualms about who should be marrying who.

Unlike Carrie, the winner of this year's “Miss Hermosa y Protegida” pageant who lives her days as boy make-up artist and community college student, Felix Ayala, indulges in going through the several hours-long process of “transforming” into the sexy, boob and butt-amped Frida to attend events as the OC representative for the LGBT community. She'd be a lot more interesting to meet at the next breast cancer conference or baseball game or wherever it is that these little girls are whirled off to during their reign as pageant queens. 

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