[Hey, You!] That's 'Brunch' to You, A-Hole

You were the guy standing with a woman in the front of SunnyNs restaurant on Beach Boulevard in Huntington Beach during their Sunday-morning rush on Aug. 23. We were a party of five adults of various ages waiting behind you for a table, and there was another family with young children across from us. You sort of exposed us to what was to come by loudly peppering your conversation with the woman with many “fucks.” But then you two began storming out, with you yelling, “THATNS IT! INM OUTTA HERE!” Fine, just go! Did you really have to turn to us and say even louder, “HAVE A NICE FUCKING BREAKFAST!” before pushing open the door and stomping into the parking lot? Why drag complete strangers into your misery? Your tantrum did please me in two ways: 1) Given your age, girth and open hypertension, INm guessing theyNre warming a room for you in HoagNs coronary unit; and 2) before you even reached your car, the hostess came forward to announce your table was ready. Since you just left, my party got your table. So thanks for the nice fucking breakfast!

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations—changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent—to “Hey, You!” c/o OC Weekly, 2975 Red Hill Ave., Ste. 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, or e-mail us at




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